
I went to the pet store Wednesday to buy fish food. A lady was in there trying to sell two hamsters to the store. They were from a litter that her's had and she hadn't been able to find homes for them. They were sweet and loved to be petted. The store said they would take them, but warned her that they would probably end up snake food. I had my twins with me. She walked up and asked if the boys could have them as pets. The boys are too little to take care of anything, so I looked at them. The white long haired one (now named Cream) rolled over for me to rub her belly. The brown one (now named Cookie) rubbed my hand with his head. They love to be rubbed!

Needless to say, they are now the lovely owners of three hamster habitats connectted together with tubes. They are loved and fed. The boys go up to their "homes" and talk to them all the time. I get them each out nightly for a petting season and for a roll around the house in their exercise balls.
:*) I'm scared of them. lol I had and loved hamsters when I was a kid till I got a demon dwarf hamster. Wouldnt have been such a big deal but I had two and they looked so much alike. When I wanted hold the really nice one I just had to stick my hand in and wait to see which one didnt bite me. The mean one would seriously run over and chomp me one. So yes as embarrassing as it is I am now scared of cute fuzzy hamsters. I love rats tho, and am ok with gerbils.
zelandonia said:
Here is my new hammie, Marshall. He is 17 months already and I got him last week from a breeder. He is past his breeding months so now he will live out his days with me. He is a black campbell's but now he is a little silvered because he is older. He is gorgeous and loves to be handled and has never bitten!


They are adorable :kewlpics:
I have 2 chinese hamsters, i have to say they are very boring lol, sleep all day, come out at night, they dont play out much, as were all in bed when they decide to wake up, and you can here them scratching lol

Claire x
they are adorable - i LOVE hamsters... i have a lil dwarf hamster named jellybean, but unfortunately i can't handle her because she BITES me and hangs on till i have to shake her off my hand :( she's a cutie though :)
The hamsters I've had have all been lovely, friendly and very huggable. But years ago my then boyfriend had this large white hamster that hated me, everytime he saw me he's go all stiffed legged and make funny noise at me (a sort of mix between hissing and squeaking), he'd try and bite me if I tried to feed him or anything; he wasn't a very nice hamster, though my then boyfirend was adored by him. I found it odd though, he was treated in exactly the same way as all my hamsters but they never bit anyone.
I've had hamsters since I was about 7yrs old (now 36 :sad: ) and yes they are excellent pets. They don't smell, they look good & are very tactile but..........

You do get the odd one that don't like being handled & a proper bite bleedin hurts!!!

I now have 5 dwarf campbell russians. These are my first dwarf hamsters & they're the cutest of them all. Not the easiest to handle though as very small & very quick.

Looking to breeding them for the first time shortly.

If you want to buy a hamster for looking at & not handling try a few Roborowski hamsters. A lot of breeders call these pocket rockets & the y ain't kidding!!!

My only regret of ever keeping hamsters is the fact they don't live long!!

Here's one of my younger ones.


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