
too bad becuz his name is bubba. :p

so i hope u don;t hate my hamster now :-(

well all he does is sleep he has so far slept for 2 days(1 night) striaght!!!!
Skylar said:
jacblades, not all hamsters are 'vicious' and if you tame them correctly and interact with them, they can make perfectly lovely pets. So please, don't make such a biased opinion that all hamsters are vicious. :) Pet stores ought to semi-tame them...

i think working in a pet store may change your mind about that.
they come in "untame" and i dont really have the time to tame 20-40 hamsters each day.
i never recommend them for children under 12 because i have seen too many kids run screaming out of the store because they just had to hold a cute little hamster...despite my warning.
we even taught one of our birds at the store to say "hamsters are vicious"
birds are so smart ;)
Perhaps you shouldn't be recieving 20-40 hamsters if you don't have time to properly care for them. Hamsters are not vicious...they rely on instinct, if they are scared, they'll bite. If they smell food on the hand, they'll bite because they think it's food.
it's not practical to only receive only one or two hamsters in a shipment.
we sell at least ten a week and only receive shipments once or twice a month.maybe you should work at a pet store and tame (get bitten by) all of the hamsters.

some animals make great pets and some dont. i would place most hamsters in the latter category.
they are nocturnal prey animals that live underground, and they just happen to have razor sharp teeth that usually break the skin if they bite. who on earth thought that would make a good domesticated pet for children?!

i have 2 and i dont bother them by trying to play with them or annoy them in any other way. i think they are happier with little interferance from me.
they are great pets to look at, fun to watch at night. not so great to cuddle with.
i didn't say ALL. i said MOST.
and of the hundreds of hamsters i have had experience with at work, that is my opinion. it's not close-minded. i would love to be able to open a cage and hold a hamster without it trying to attack me but that's not too realistic. i am many times bigger than them and to them that means that i am going to eat them. so they want to deter me from doing so.

hamsters are cute and fun to watch but you wont find me touching them...ever.
i didn't say ALL. i said MOST.
and of the hundreds of hamsters i have had experience with at work, that is my opinion. it's not close-minded. i would love to be able to open a cage and hold a hamster without it trying to attack me but that's not too realistic. i am many times bigger than them and to them that means that i am going to eat them. so they want to deter me from doing so.

I appreciate where you are coming from but there is a big difference between a single hamster kept in a nice cage with caring owners and the hamsters in a pet store.
The hamsters you have in your store have gone through quite an ordeal, from being shipped which is very scary for them to being plonked in a cage/tank with about 10 others and having faces peering in at them all day. If I had to put up with all that I know it would put me in one hell of a mood!

It is important to realise that pets of all shapes and sizes react to the conditions and environment they are in and it's unfair to generalise based on your experiences at work.

BTW I agree, a hamster is not a pet for a child but it is up to the parent to be responsible and teach their child to respect animals. If a parent buys a hamster for a young child then they only have themselves to blame if things go wrong.
uhhhhhh ya well you just made my sister really mad. Shes 7 and takes such good care of ur hamsters.

jacblades:you have issues. gosh cum to my house and be licked to death by my hamsters. :rofl:

hamsters are untame when they cum from petsores. so you have to tame them.

duhhh. Who ever thought that they would make such great pets has a great mind and wuz right!!!!!

and uhh,one pet store gets 70 hamsters a month(they sell fast) becuz they handle their hamsters. one person on half time handles them,no other persone does,no one. this person has worked there for 2 yrs and it has cum from the bottom to right on top.becuz of their hamsters.

well I hope whoever taught the bird to say that needs sumthing bad to pay for it.
They are not monsters you probally handled them wrong I love Hamsters and mine never have bitten me without a good cause
Betta_Fish. I did know that. That a teddy bear is an LH Syrian. I just identify her as a teddy bear because It's easier to distinguish them that way.
jacblades said:
Skylar said:
jacblades, not all hamsters are 'vicious' and if you tame them correctly and interact with them, they can make perfectly lovely pets. So please, don't make such a biased opinion that all hamsters are vicious. :) Pet stores ought to semi-tame them...

i think working in a pet store may change your mind about that.
they come in "untame" and i dont really have the time to tame 20-40 hamsters each day.
i never recommend them for children under 12 because i have seen too many kids run screaming out of the store because they just had to hold a cute little hamster...despite my warning.
we even taught one of our birds at the store to say "hamsters are vicious"
birds are so smart ;)
perhaps your pet store ought to think where they get their hamsters from then :huh: I used to supply some pet stores and all my baby hamsters were super hand tame and never bit.
JackDemp528 said:
Betta_Fish. I did know that. That a teddy bear is an LH Syrian. I just identify her as a teddy bear because It's easier to distinguish them that way.
Wll in South Africa, Teddy Bear hamsters = Long haired Syrian Hamsters.
But over here in the UK that doesn't seem to be the case :dunno:
jac works for a large chain LPS that has easily four or five stores in the Birmingham area. i'd imagine that all the stores get mass shipments of hamsters in at the same time from a "hamster farm" (if you will), not from a local breeder who takes the time to pre-tame the babies.

i'm sure that once a hamster is tamed, it is a sweet and loving creature. but i'm also sure that jac is dead to rights when she says that the hamsters they get shipped en masse are irritable, bitey little monsters that quickly lose their appeal after she's been bitten for the thousandth time.

i have to say that i'm with jac--hamsters are cute and all, but if i wanted a cuddly rodent again, i'd go for a rat or a gerbil.

Teddy Bear hamsters = Long haired Syrian Hamsters around here too
Yeah they just call them Teddy bears over here. I researched enough to find out they were actually syrians. Plus the size and everything is the same.
Here is my new hammie, Marshall. He is 17 months already and I got him last week from a breeder. He is past his breeding months so now he will live out his days with me. He is a black campbell's but now he is a little silvered because he is older. He is gorgeous and loves to be handled and has never bitten!



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