

Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2005
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I have 5 hamsters. Dash, Dusk, Mocha, Riz, and Skitty.

i mightnbe getting another hamster soon to!!!



Dusk(right) and Mocha(left)

:wub: I love them too! I have 6. :wub: Yours look great! I love your Sables, Riz and Dash! They look just like my Bunny Bear! *Bunjee* :)

And I love your Chocolate dwarf! My mottled Chocolate recently died giving birth. :(
they are cute but they are also little monsters!
after being bitten about 30 times at work, i wont go near them anymore.

i feel sorry for many of the children whose parents but those vicious things for them.

they are very cute though and i do have 2 of them ;) (that i never touch)
I have 3, one syrian from a rescue, one teddy bear from the pet sore, and one dwarf from a rescue my shelter did.
They are so cute. I am not a hamster person but I think that one in the second picture is so cute.. :wub:
jacblades, not all hamsters are 'vicious' and if you tame them correctly and interact with them, they can make perfectly lovely pets. So please, don't make such a biased opinion that all hamsters are vicious. :) Pet stores ought to semi-tame them...
I love skitty!!

I hate all these hamster posts there have been lately! I would love to get one but my daughter is 1 and son is 4. Far too young to be around hamsters, poor thing probably wouldn't live long. Once they are both old enough I'll be straight down that pet shop buying one for each year I've had to wait!!
very cute!!!!!! hehe not all hammies are evil tame your hamsters and they will sweet lil babies!!!!!

JackDemp528 teddy bears are LH syrians just so u know.

I got a nother hammie 2day!! I am not sure bout his name!!!!

Help me decide:
LD(lil dude)

will get pics soon.
I have...well...technically 15 of them right now. One of my females had a litter of 11 (minus one who was stillborn, so 10 living) last Friday morning. Most of them are Campbell's, but I have a single male Winter White.

They're such sweet little pets. Well, most of them are. One of mine is psychotic. My other four that are handleable (as in, all but the babies, as they're only 3 days old) are very handtame, mild, and calm.

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