
i liked the original game Halo, however got a bit old with Halo2, now waiting for Halo3 :)
Not played Halo, but I am a big fan of Unreal Tournament, All versions.
Gears of War for xbox 360 is so much better, but no denying halo is still brilliant!
I'm currently playing crackdown....

Came with the Halo3 invite - I'm a bit disapointed to be honest.... I've been a PC gamer for years and everyone was raving about Halo3... its slow - the graphics are not was has been hyped... Fingers crossed the release version will be loads better...
anyone have the new halo 2 for vista?
im goin out and gettin it today! WOOT!

I think that Halo 2 for Vista was a poor launch title. Why choose to launch games for Vista with a game that has been available to XBox owners for about two years. Now it just looks outdated. They should have chosen a new, original title such as Crysis or BioShock (fair enough, they aren't released yet, but you get what I mean!).
i borred it from a friend and tried it on my computer which is rated a 4 on the vista experience crap

unfortunately you have to have a computer rated 5 for the game to even work properly
with a rating of 4 the game is extremely laggy even at the lowest quality on EVERYTHING!
overall that game is complete crap and i wouldnt spend a single penny on it
I won't be playing Halo 2 any time soon, as i don't see the need to slow my computer down even more with the vista operating system. Also I begrudge giving bill gates any more of my hard earned than is absolutely necessary! That said i had this opinion of windows xp which kept me from it for ages, but having made the change it really is great, apart from poor support for some older devices, sound cards etc.
halo 3 is a ok game(from the preview), deffenitly not the best one, although they have added features like you can adjust the gavity level so you can just super high and such, although halo 1 was way better, i was really dissapointed with halo 3 although, some say yay, some say nay, i think it comes down to personal thoughts for this game, i rate it 6/10
Halo 3 will look alot better when they release it.

bungie are sneaky and leave half the new textures and stuff turned off till the last minute then in the last month before the game comes out they turn em all on and start releasiong some proper screenshots.

i agree with the guy who said gears of war is better still tho. awesome game! crackdowns good too.
Had to use a computer with vista on today, and got well confused. It just doesn't work how you expect windows to work. I think microsoft have changed their format to a more apple mac style and got it wrong. Some things just don't make sense!

Ok not a comment on Halo, but a reason why it's better to get an Xbox360 and the game rather than tarnish your pc with that flashy but gutless operating system!

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