

Feb 5, 2004
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Woohoo my second first post:

Just had to share this as it put a good start to my day(which turned out horrible beyond belief) I was watching my puffers this morning and for about 5 minutes they were playing follow the leader. It was so funny to watch them swim around in a line all over the aquarium.
I want some puffers!!!

LMAO@ your second first post, it's not everyday you get to start all over again
I'm really startting to feel soory for my Pink Gourami, one of my little Dwarf Puffers won't give him a break? I'm wondering, should I put a stop to this?
Dwarfs are best kept in a species tank, how many have you got, if its only a few I'd set up another 10 gal, shouldn't cost too much but all your fish will be much happier. If your puffers are picking on the Gourami now then yes you'll have to do something as eventually they will kill it, puffers have VERY strong mouths.
I've started with 4 Dwarf puffers, I can only find 3, but I think you are right there. The one is running that Gourami ragged. I"m going to see about a 10 gallon tak for my 3 puffers. But I will have to cycle the tank don't i? How long will that take and any suggestions for a quick move? That one gourami didn't eat very well a few mins ago, he's exhausted!!! -_-
You've got a couple of options. If you're using floss or similar in your current filter you can take some of that out, some of your substrate and some water for the new tank, you've virtually got a ready made tank. If your lfs is pretty good you could ask them to hold your dwarfs for a couple of weeks while you cycle your tank, and then either fishless cycle the new one (still using media/substrate from your old tank, or if your current tank is big enough put the new filter in it to cycle for about 2 weeks.
Thankyou for the reply, My tank is 55 gallon....and by substrate you mean the gravel I have in there, right? I really am an honest to goodness newbie, so don't laugh please :D
Could I take 10 gallons of that water (from my current 55 gallon, when I do my water change? But the new filter wouldn't be "seasoned" , right?
The water isn't where the bacteria is. If I were you, I would take some gravel out along with the filter media and add new treated water.

It shouldn't take that long for the tank to cycle if you do that.

Thankyou. That sounds good. I don't think my Lfs would hold the dwarf puffers for any amount of time for me. How long have you had your dp's? And how big are they? And anyone else with theirs? And If I get the 10 gallon, I'm thinking I only have 2 maybe 3 of them, should I get more for the 10 gallon tank? And who would yall recommend to put as tank mates, if any.
You could probably fit 3-4 dwarfs in a 10 gal tank.

I have had my puffs for about 4 months now, they aren't very big. Maybe a half inch or so. They were smaller then that when I got them, mayb about 1/3 of an inch. (If that is possible.)

I have 2 otto's for algea control, and 3 fw bumble bee gobies. They don't really do well with any tank mates, but the ones I have don't move much. Just make sure you have plenty of hidey holes and plants to break lines of sight.

Yes, I love my dwarves!!

LisaNShelby: I have a 10-gallon, planted dwarf tank. Go to my website and click the "Aquarium" link on the left side for info and lots of pics: http://www.jeremyread.net
I had a pair of dwarf puffers, they ate everything and everyone, i hated them so much. (i wish i had my piranhas when i still had those puffers..... :look:
Yeah, thats why you should keep them in a species tank.
i wish i had my piranhas when i still had those puffers.

I'll bet if you had the Piranhas they would have been bullied by the Dwarf puffers....Dwarfs are much more aggressive than piranhas and size doesn't seem to matter to them. :flex:

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