
Fish Fanatic
Jun 4, 2005
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Manchester UK
Having perused and even languished over many of the questions posed and topics created I am amazed how serious fishkeepers are willing to create display tanks with bizarre ornements etc.

for instance plastic divers with bubbles rising from its head or purple substrate,
when did you last see coral in fresh water?

At least plastic plants, though no benifit to the chemical composition of the water, are trying to replicate the natural habitat of the fish environment.

Why o' why do keepers not try to give the fish the home that it has in the wild, with the exeption of course to natural preditors.

Most peoplre go to great lengths to recreate ideal water conditions only to go and throw in a load of brightly coloured crap.

Come on guys I've seen fish quite happy to play amongst carefully positioned rocks or plants, but NEVER have I seen any fish play with leggo.

Give the fish what they need, and less of the un-natural stuff.
When I started out, I wanted bright colorful decorations and plants and gravel...and all that kind of stuff, but now since I'm more into the hobby, I want more natural looking tanks, but I don't want them to be "blah". I guess it just depends on what the person thinks looks nice. There's no point in somebody having a tank that has all green and brown coloring if they don't like that kind of stuff and won't enjoy it.
Yes, thats a valid point, but I am of the belief that if the fish are happy and well looked after, then its up to the aquarist to decide on the aquascaping of the tank.

So long as they get fed and won't die, I don't think they mind.

Maybe not lego, but I find stickle-bricks are more to the taste of my danios, and I'm installing a Brio trainset next week for the cory's........... :p :p
Nice 1 BigC

Create an Undersea World of Unmatched Beauty!
Magnetic Tri-Lite Cycles Color Through the Tank's Glass!

Oh please.... its gross
Chuck the fish, and have your own lazer light show in the comfort of your own living room.........switch off the lights luv and come and see this.
i love for my tanks to look natural cant stand little plastic divers and signs (in fact my whole family knows of my fish adicttion and and got me a little scuba steve plastic diver from walmart for my tankfor christmas lol they think they are so funny) well i can tell you scuba steve is in the box right now but it all worked out because there was a 50$ gift card in the back to my lfs ill have to think of wut to get them next year mwaa hahahaha i love payback anyway im rambling i agree
I really cant stand little plastic ornaments........I am a more......natural fishkeeper.
I love creating life - like habitats for my fish. I find it much more entertaining that throwing in hot pink rocks and a diver with a big knife.
Yes, I'd much rather spen hours realistsically decorating my tank, then having plastic ornaments.
I agree. I do not like my tanks to look unnatural. I prefer the greens of the various plants I have and the natural look of sand/fine gravel. I find these colours also show of the colours of my fish wonderfully. I wouldn't have it any other way. I did have a big ruins in my 55 at one time. I have since removed it and chopped it into little peices to make the ruins look more natural. I am in the process of attaching java moss and java fern to them, so you eventually won't even be able to see what is underneath.
I'm so against keeping fish in unnatural settings that i even research which materials are present in particular species habitat and use only those for that tanks decor, i.e no rocks in tanks with Amazonian fish, only Asian plants in tanks with Asian fish etc.
Personally prefer natural style setups much more than unnatural ones- it doesn't bother me what other like to stick in their fish tanks as long as its not bad for the fish's health or happyness but i do think fish prefer to have a nice clump of live plants than a pink and yellow bridge or whatever.
I think its cool though when somone trys to match the color of their decor in their tank to the color of their fish i.e blue betta in a blue sand substrate tank with blue rocks and ornements etc but i tend to get bored with those kinds of setups very quickly.

When i first started out in fish keeping i was given a 10gal tank with that horible brightly multicolored gravel which was a major eyesore for me.
I think the problem with unnatural ornements is half the time they look so tacky- i realy dislike those cheesy "no fishing" signs you can put in your tank or those vibrant multicolored sculls that are sickly pink, yellow and green :sick: .
Well have I got a product for you. :D

handmade aquarium ornaments. Made to your specifications. First one to order pays $1000 for my kiln. From then on prices vary on your specifications :lol:


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