Gwen's Babies (platies)

Yeah, it is a shame board members can't all be closer. I am happy to share some of my fry, even without exchange and for free, as I won't be able to keep them all forever anyway. I am always happy for some to go to other established tanks.

Spotted my first glimpse of an orange fin on one of the newest batch of babies. I am hoping some orange fins survive this time as the ones from the first batch didn't survive the ich troubles.
My third batch (who must be a month old now... or close, will have to check the date)... has one with absolutely no spots whatsoever... hope it stays that way! I would like a solid colored platy! All other have spots and some have orange fins.

I am planning to make the final cuts on who I am keeping from my first batch sometime this week and will re-home the others.
I've made a bit of progress learning to use my new camera and have two pictures to share.

Firstly, I was unable to get ANY pictures of the babies from the first batch as they all hid very thoroughly and wouldn't come out! LOL

Here is the one and only survivor from the second batch. I decided I didn't need any more platies at the time and left them in the community tank where they were all eaten... except this one that was determined to live... so I ended up moving it into the platy tank. I didn't even write down the date it was born since I expected all to be eaten! It was born somewhere near the end of January 2013, so shy of 2 months old. It is also the only one with a yellow tail.


And here is one from the third batch born on February 23, 2013.

Aww so cute ;)

I made a new Molly that isn't sold in stores I call them zebra Molly's cause they have black and white stripes my challenge to u what can u make with what u got
I am considering crossing my coral blue with one of the first batch babies when it is big enough. I have no idea about platy genetics to figure out what that would make though!

Your zebra molly sounds awesome!
thx. but with platys result could really be random as somtimes colors mix or make a pattern really unpredictable
also the zebra mollys have that color and resulted from a black female and white male or creamcickle male and black female white female? not quite sure lol but they are second generation cause there parents are first but some are orange when leds shine so am not sure not to mention i got some pure black mollys from the same batch so they are mystery fry lol but rather than zebras being sold they do dalmation or i might have started a new breed as the black female has bigger lips and a wider mouth than everybody so only time will tell also dont know why they havnt started selling zebra mollies so etheir they are an unpopuler breed or i started somthing new not sure yet soooo........ u get the point lol
I'd love to work on my own breed of something... maybe one day when the kids have left home! At the moment, it would take me too many tanks.
my creamcickle male was the lesser male before but lately has become the dominate and yesterday he killed my white male and when i found the white male i was so panicked i didn`t know what he was till i could think strait and do a fish count also when i found him my pleco had already ate a hole in his belly and ate all his inards. :(
  Well now i am thinking of getting a tank with bigger more agressive fish than mollies and plop him in and while he is gone increase the male count by two then when i have scared him to were he stays in a corner then i will return him (or when i think he has had enough) and he will also have forgot that he was the dominate male and this is for his own good rather than giving him away as he is so unique as he has a high rise dorsal and a cresant tail with blue spots in his dorsal and tail this should do good for both him and many future mollies(males) with diffrent colors and fin types hopfully he wont be so agressive afterwards now to find those bigger or agressive fish for cheap or just get him to have babies with each female for those fin types then i could give him away without losing his fin types that is going to prove to be a problem until i know what plan to go with or find whice babies were his
Your comment made me remember I forgot to post the picture of the two first batch babies that I am keeping. Well... I had been thinking to keep both but the male (whom I was planning to keep temporarily but not long term) has been an absolute pest and harassing all the others smaller than him (which is all except the one adult!)

So... at the moment I did a shuffle... I have brought the batch 3 babies into the platy tank now as they are big enough and I've moved the boy out for the time being.

On the right is the male, on the left the female.

And... ok... not one of Gwen's but I love this baby... one of the only two blue coral platy babies to survive (very very few were ever born). My second one is more stout that this one and too shy for pictures.

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