Cole starting here------> i have found that personally popping backs back in place has no adverse afects with fish or fish fry so long as they are big enough not to squash and within a day or so the complete healing process of the back is done and the fish should be perfectly healthy from there i also see that the curving spine does not re-appear and the fish never have deformaties from that point on so i think this advice should help also works with adults with curve spines if they had it from the begining or if you did it if you pop it back in the opposite direction it is bent it should take the same healing time if not within an hour so if you want use this advice to save your babies do it imdeatly or you could lose them sorry for the incorect spelling lol but this has always worked miracles for me of course nobody gave me this advice i just kinda started it on my own...... but only pop there backs back when they are not flopping all-over the place ok so take a calm fish and do this one bye one after popping there backs put them in a place all by thereselves or with other fish of same age just remove everything except graval and low low power filter or filter that makes no currents and let the healing process begin also as a non treatment note i have never used a breeder net and use a one gal tank instead very cheap and made of plastic no filter so food is on the bottem and have never had fry hurt each other except pecking the little ones when adding some flakes for the older ones i have fry of all ages in there and no problem also back to treatment you may have to be a little rough with them but that is only when holding them firm and tenderness when popping the backs then plop them into the water gently ok this should help as not to be rough as the healing process starts when you first pop the back and if you be rough when you have moved the spinal cord in place it could dislocate it again and may be permanent that time so be gentle but hold them firm and when the healing process is complete you should have normal fish with no health issues so good luck with my personal advice and exp remember be carful not to hurt them rather help them and it does not take much force too pop it back into place nor should it make a sound it should just look strait and you are done again i say good luck to ya and may your fish be happy healthy and prosper as well as there ownerPrairieSunflower said:FINALLY, after nearly 3 weeks... the ich has come to an end! Was not so sure it would.
Most of my babies continue to be fine. I am a bit unsure of one though, and I wonder if it is related to the ich treatment, or just something that would have happened anyway. My favorite baby of all (the white one with spots and orange fins) seems to be developing a curved spine. It isn't bad at the moment, but next to other you can see that it is there. I do not suspect anything like fish TB, and they have been feed really well so I'm sure it isn't a deficiency either... which makes me think it is either a weakness in that fish or maybe related to the meds. Otherwise, that fish is in good health.
congrats hope the are healthy this timePrairieSunflower said:And we have a boy! One of the babes has "transformed" into a boy overnight. LOL