Guys In Divided Tank Don't Flare Anymore


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2005
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Is it normal for bettas in a divided tank to kinda get used to each other?
My tank is divided by a piece of glass, but also I have a piece of opaque plastic the same size as the glass that usually stays in, so they can't see each other most of the time.

I usually take the plastic out every second day or so, and at first they used to flare at each other like mad and try to get through the glass. But now the effect seems to have worn off, and they barely even look at each other anymore.

Is this normal behaviour? Is it just that they have figured out that they're not a threat to each other? Or should I be more concerned?
I have a couple males in divided tank that don't flare at their neighbor. But then I have a few that do. I think it all depends on the betta. I don't think it's anything to worry about.
you should change the betta divider to a colour they cant see through because they will get bored with each other not being able to fight thus not flaring it might also affect there breeding and fighting skills
you should change the betta divider to a colour they cant see through because they will get bored with each other not being able to fight thus not flaring it might also affect there breeding and fighting skills

Will im pretty sure no member apart from _cRaCkEr_ who does his respectfully to the fish may i add, fights their bettas thus not making it much of a problem plus the fish is most probably a veiltail "pet" fish so i'm pretty sure that it isn't going to be bred :)

I have quite a few males in divided tanks and at first they do flare a lot but settle down like yours after a few days. They do still display for eachother but I think thats ok and they don't seem stressed with eachother at all in fact I'm sure they'd get quite bored without their neighbours :)

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