Guppy's Tail Vanished! Sob-then Died Last Night-others Ok?

little fishies

New Member
Mar 2, 2007
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Help! I'm new to all this and I think my Guppy's sick!
2-3 weeks ago I bought 3 guppies, (2f, 1m) and added them to a tank where I had 5 little tetras (3neon, 2 black). 2 days later, I found (and saved) 18 fry - buying a birthing tank thingie to keep them in. a few days later, the one I suspected was their mother, died. I also noticed that the tail of the male had split a bit in a couple of places. I went back to the shop and they said it was probably fin rot and gave me some medicine - which I have been using. However, in the last couple of days, the floaty part of the male's tail has completely gone - apart from a few 'threads'. Also, his lower fin has a 'thread' hanging from it. There don't appear to be any sores or white patches.

For the first week or so, he would hassle the other female, ignoring the one I guess was pregnant(she kept herslef apart anyway). Now he leaves her alone - (in fact she comes to find him - when she's not trying to dive at the babies through the perspex) and spends all his time pretty still at the top of the tank, quite close to the baby tank.

The temperature is about 24-26'c, I feed them once a day - but they haven't been so bothered the last day or two. I did about a 15% water change today and have been using 'safe water' bacteria stuff as well as the finrot medicine by the same company.

Babies are doing well, as are the other fish I think so I don't know what to do. can anyone help???
Thanks x :unsure:


little guy died in the night (sob!) also lost one of the fry last night too. I don't know if it's me - or seeing them by daylight (saturday so not at work) but the fry look a bit paler. All other fish (female guppy [bit of a bully!] and 5 tetras) seem fine... anyone still there to help???

thanks x
sorry to he hes not to good
neons can be nippy little sod and will have a good go at his tail but they should settle down and leave him alone, his tail should grow back if its not to short, hes up by the breeding tank to keep away from the neons but he should be ok, would be a good idea to give him 2 more females so he dont hassle the one you have left when hes better, gups should be at a ratio of 1 male to 2 or 3 females, keep using the meds though as it might be fin rot, just giving you a suggestion of what else it could be.

actually you have fry so dont buy anymore females, i forgot that bit
Thanks so much for your reply - I just don't know what to do, or even how serious it is... I've become quite attached to the little guy!!! Do you really think the neons might be biting him? The black neons seem to keep themslelves to themslelves... that said, one of blue ones does seem to snap at the other two blue neons quite often - they usually just get out of its way. My Guppy does not look happy though -_- I think you are right about him sheltering at the top near the 'nursery' tank.
Separate him out and use Pimafix to reduce infection.
Hi - sorry what's Pimafix? Will any pet shop have it? Does it have another name? (- in case they do't have it) I also only have one tank (a hexagonal one) - with the floating nursery tank thing at the top - where should I put him?
interestingly, I just went to see what the fin-rot med was - in case it was Pimafix (it wasn't) - turned the light on and found him lying right at the bottom of the tank!
don't think so... no he's alive - it's just that when I went down and turned the lights back on to check the meds, I saw that suddenly he's sticking to the bottom rather than the top of the tank - (where he's hung out for a few days now!) He's still staying pretty still though. He can swim - he's done it a bit!!?! weird fish :S
Aww, sorry he doesnt seem well! I hope he gets better. Do you have any pics of this tail?
All my guppies sit on the bottom of the tank at night time as if they are sleeping, even in the morning when I go out and put the light on they will stay there for 5 or so minutes and then get up and swim about. I think its there way of sleeping so I wouldnt worry about that to much.
thats true they do tend settle on the bottom, some tangle themselves up in plants and end up in the most crazy positions at night
I think its cute lol! Going out and seeing them all led out across the gravel! Especially my fat females, they look like little pigs rolling about!
:lol: :lol: :lol: pot belly pigs
remind me of tadpoles when well fat

then they give bitrh to these little darlings

i meant birth.that looks like "Bi**h dont it
Aww thats a good pic of the baby! I hope I manage to get my fat girls in the breeder box before the give birth in the tank! I love baby fish!
I love it when you get a fat female staring at you head on, they look like cross eyed, fat little pigs then! Still very cute though!

^^^ Lol, saying that, imagine what they think of us staring in at them all day! Enough to set them off into premature labour I bet lol!
:| little guy died in the night (sob!) also lost one of the fry last night too. I don't know if it's me - or seeing them by daylight (saturday so not at work) but the fry look a bit paler. All other fish (female guppy [bit of a bully!] and 5 tetras) seem fine... anyone still there to help???
thanks x
have you lost your little guy???
yes are the others gonna be ok though?
sorry that he didnt make it
he died due to his tail going this is common in males, it vital that he had atleast i bit of tail left but had no pics to confirm this.
anyway lets concentrate on your fish you have left
firstly check your water stats
let us know what they are

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