Guppy's Tail Vanished! Sob-then Died Last Night-others Ok?

The fry are looking paler?!? That's not a good sign. Some of my fry turn paler each day until they hit the dust. It also could be your water quality. What are your stats?
Pale is not necessarily a bad sign as my orange fry turn more and more yellow as they progress, but if they are dying, you might want to do a water change. Check the water quality also, but fry are especially susceptible to poor water conditions.
have you lost your little guy???
yes are the others gonna be ok though?
sorry that he didnt make it
he died due to his tail going this is common in males, it vital that he had atleast i bit of tail left but had no pics to confirm this.
anyway lets concentrate on your fish you have left
firstly check your water stats
let us know what they are

Hi sorry about the delay in getting back to you - had to go out and buy a testing kit - told you I was new to this. Everything was ok, apart from the two hardness registers - and they were really high - pretty much max at 180 each on the scale that I had. Ammonia, ph, nitrite/rate were all fine. Could that have killed the two guppies? what should i do?
Whilst at pet shop, I bought some live shrimp - I had mentioned that the remaining fishies all seem off their food - wouldn't really eat flakes, tubifex or sachet of bloodworm... they went crazy for the shrimp !!!
one thing - the guppy I have left just excreted a huge red lump! Perhaps it's an indication of how much shrimp she ate???
babies seem ok now
I just bought an API test strip kit. I don't declorinate my water, I was told it was better to let it stand for 24 hours before putting it in. I have a sponge filter. The shop I went to said to use liquifry and that the strip kit was good.
ammonia 0
gh 180!
kh 180!
ph 7
NO2 0
NO3 20

all ppm (ml/l)

Most reactions
