Guppy with clamped fins


New Member
May 17, 2021
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Nottingham, UK
I have a relatively new guppy here, has been in the tank about a week. If I had to guess I'd say he's probably about three months old.

He was fine until last night, when I found him gasping at the top of the tank with clamped fins. No warning signs at all leading up to this, he doesn't look bloated, aside from the clamped fins I can't see anything wrong physically. We've lost several guppies due to an unknown internal parasite recently, but I don't think this is happening here - the guppies we've lost have shown a clear set of symptoms (primarily stringy white poop and bloating) and this guppy is showing neither of those symptoms.

I've isolated and treated with Interpet anti-internal bacteria as I think it's more likely to be bacterial than parasitic, as well as a high dose of aquarium salt. He's still alive 24 hours later but hasn't really gotten any better or worse, just stays at the top or sits at the bottom, and his fins are still clamped.

Any ideas?
Do you have good water surface agitation?...a bubbler?

Why the salt? not to treat the entire tank, when you don't know what is wrong with the fish.
Yes surface agitation is excellent, 1000lph pump with a spray bar.

To clarify the whole tank is not being treated, the guppy has been isolated for treatment. I'm using the salt and anti-internal bacteria medication because I have no better ideas, and I don't have any broad-spectrum medication to try.
Yes surface agitation is excellent, 1000lph pump with a spray bar.

To clarify the whole tank is not being treated, the guppy has been isolated for treatment. I'm using the salt and anti-internal bacteria medication because I have no better ideas, and I don't have any broad-spectrum medication to try.
Livebearers are so overbred (and inbred) that they usually come home with a host of issues, depending on where they are bought...personally, I'd return to the main tank, and observe

@Colin_T , have a look
Attached a video (note the guppy was just taken out of the isolation tank for this video - the small container you see isn't where he's currently being isolated!). His top fin is looking less clamped than yesterday, but he's still just sat on the bottom breathing rapidly.

Attached a video (note the guppy was just taken out of the isolation tank for this video - the small container you see isn't where he's currently being isolated!). His top fin is looking less clamped than yesterday, but he's still just sat on the bottom breathing rapidly.

i do not know his coloring but he loos to have some ammonia burns?
is his belly big?
They're def not ammonia burns, it's just his coloring in that area,

His belly looks normal to me - the container distorts it a bit in that video, it looks normal in real life
maybe do a water change in the main tank?
my water params are perfect sometimes yet the fish still are bummed out.. i dont know why
any bullies in the tank?
he might just be getting used to it, the container will stress him out more
maybe do a water change in the main tank?
my water params are perfect sometimes yet the fish still are bummed out.. i dont know why
any bullies in the tank?
he might just be getting used to it, the container will stress him out more

Have re-added him to the main tank. No bullying that I've seen. He seems more lively than before he was isolated, but he has a bit of an odd looking tear in his tail (blue arrow), and an odd looking spot on the tail close to his body (orange arrow). He definitely didn't have the nick before he was isolated, and I don't think the spot was part of his coloring (I'm not 100% sure on that though). Fin rot or something maybe?

Have re-added him to the main tank. No bullying that I've seen. He seems more lively than before he was isolated, but he has a bit of an odd looking tear in his tail (blue arrow), and an odd looking spot on the tail close to his body (orange arrow). He definitely didn't have the nick before he was isolated, and I don't think the spot was part of his coloring (I'm not 100% sure on that though). Fin rot or something maybe?

View attachment 137340
if it is symmetrical on both sides its usually coloring
not likely finrot, most likely the net damaged his fins or his friends accidentally damaged him when setting the new pecking order (idk my fish do the pecking order thing)
if it is symmetrical on both sides its usually coloring
not likely finrot, most likely the net damaged his fins or his friends accidentally damaged him when setting the new pecking order (idk my fish do the pecking order thing)
Yes you were right, it's symmetrical on both sides.

I half expected to see him dead in the main tank today, but he's gone back to his lively self, swimming around happily and only slightly clamped. Maybe the internal bacteria medication did the trick. This is the first time I've ever isolated a guppy and had it ever survive into the main tank, so I consider it a win.

Thanks everyone!
Yes you were right, it's symmetrical on both sides.

I half expected to see him dead in the main tank today, but he's gone back to his lively self, swimming around happily and only slightly clamped. Maybe the internal bacteria medication did the trick. This is the first time I've ever isolated a guppy and had it ever survive into the main tank, so I consider it a win.

Thanks everyone!
do some nice water changes and give them some bloodworms to boost their immune system (or any live/frozen food)

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