Guppy Tankmates


Fish Herder
May 20, 2005
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Wantagh, NY
I managed to find guppies that don't eat their offspring. There are about 6 adults in the tank..and none of them even think twice about eating the fry. My question is..are there any guppy tankmates that are too small to eat the fry, or find no appetite for guppy fry?

I wouldn't bother with tank mates because if your fish don't eat the fry the tank will fill quickly
Wait...if his Guppies don't eat their own fry, and you're concerned about his tank getting over-run...why wouldn't you bother with tankmates that would eat fry? Sorry, just a little confused Iron maiden fan. -_-

For tankmates that don't eat fry...Cories and Otos spring to mind first. :thumbs: Most other fish will go for fry. What size tank are we talking?
heres an explaination:
he asked for tank mates that don't eat fry and I said not to bother because if the fry are all surviving the tank will fill up quicker.So basicly I said don't bother with tank mates that don't eat fry me it sounds like he doesn't want the fry to be eaten. So he's asking what he can keep with his Guppies so the fry won't get eaten. Serious Guppy breeders don't tend to want their fry to be eaten, because the best ones could be eaten and then they won't have their pick of the litter for the next generation. I'm not saying he's a serious Guppy breeder...but it's an example.

I'm sure he appreciates your concern that he doesn't get over-run, but I'm also going to guess by what he's written before that he is pretty responsible and has a plan for the fry. :D
I have fancy guppies and feeder guppies in the same tank. I'm letting them breed wildly for now, until I get a good stock and mix it with my other tank's stock.


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