Guppy Tail Fin Missing


New Member
Nov 15, 2006
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New York
My female Guppy is missing about half her tail fin. I think it was possibily bit off as it is missing down to the base. She was fine with a full tail at lunch time. She was very pregnant, infact I noticed part of her tail was missing when I glanced in and noticed she was having her fry. Several of the other fish were just waiting behind her for the snacks to drop. I did place her in a net breeder. She had about 25 more fry which I have since moved into another net breeder. I think maybe I should leave her in the net breeder for a day or so, so she can rest. will her tail grow back? Is there anything that can be done to help it. Is it more stressful to leave her in th enet breeder to rest or back out in the main tank where I am sure she will be harassed by the males again. wonder how many fry she had, I saved 25 of them but she is a large guppy and this is not her first time
Her tail will grow back. You will want to treat her with antifungal medication to help the healing process. Be aware that some medications contain dyes and will stain silicone and ornaments in your tank.
Melafix will help heal and restore the tail of your guppy. Aloe Vera conditioner will help regenerate the tissue as well.

You will also want to have anit fungal and anti bactieral remedys around to protect the guppy from getting infected.
UPDATE It has been about a month and my female guppy's tail is almost fully grown back. Yeah !!! she is also ready to drop another batch. One of her fry from 2 batches ago is showing lots of color on her tail. Looks just like her Mom :D

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