Guppy Problem

well i didnt add salt..but i have been keeping up with the quick cure and have been doing water 20 gallon tank all the white spots on the fish are gone there is no trace on the for my 3.5 gallon with the neon tetras...they were worse and there the ones that also infected the rest of my fish...all are ok except 1...he still has a couple white i will continue treating that one...i cant adjust the temp in that tank cause it has no stays at about 73...i have been giving that tank full treatments even tho it says not to with tetras...they seem to be happy still, there gettin better tho and soon i can add them to the big tank...thanks for all the help guys/gals... also can ICH come back even tho u cant see it on the fish...Mitch

treat everyother day for a week or so just to be safe... and yes ICH does lay dormat after youve seen the last one but can come back at any time.... dont worry to much about ICH i havent lost a fish from it (that wasnt alredy on teh verge of dieing) and remember 75% of ICHs life you dont see it... its only the whitespot stage you do.......

MY cories (all albino do not seemed to be stressed by salt) but i pay attention to my guppies more and many have died of fish tuberculosis

corys and other cats/ scaleless fish do get "burned" by salt... if the stress dosnt show right away it may lead to other complications later...... just FYI guppies are WAY less sensitive ot salt
Thanks Guys/Gals for the help...i did loose a guppy today tho...but im thinking it was from another cause as its gills were Red and flammed outwards..could that spread...?

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