Guppy Problem

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Just to tell you about my experience, I never had any luck with Guppies and for that matter, any fish. They die in my tank - until - an experiment, I removed my pump and filter. After that, I never lost a guppy. I am speculating that the guppies can't handle the stress of water current and also the filtration of ingredients necessary for guppy survival. I change my water about once every two weeks. In between that time, I change about 1/3 the tank. Whatever the reason, I have healthy guppies and frys ever since I removed the pump and filter.

I had purchased a batch of feeder guppies (17) for $1 because I was tired of spending the money for pretty ones and finding them dead or diseased. But as soon as I put my new 17 gups in my tank, I started losing them one by one until I had 13 left in less than a week. My wife said, "try turing off the filter." So I did. After 5 months, I still have the same 13 adults. Feeder's aren't pretty, but I sure enjoy watching them play in my tank - especially the show the males put on for the females. :kana:
UPDATE: Month later, and the guppy is still healthy. Another guppy is sitting on the bottom, but frozen bloodworm seems to help. Thanks to everyone for your advice :D

This is my 100th post, but no-one cares. :lol:
:cool: Way to go on your 100th post! I have found my female guppies live alot longer if I only import one male every few months into the tank for some hanky panky when I need to up my guppy numbers. :hey: Constant pregnancy just plain wears them out it seems and they die young. They don't live for ages anyways but I like them to live as long as possible.

That's very interesting about removing the filter and pump. I keep a fairly low pump speed on my tank but you're right, the guppies don't like fast current or strong current at all. I need abit of aeration in there for the neons, glowlights and ottos but the guppies spend quite abit of time enjoying eating the live plants in the tank and hiding among them. I'll keep that in mind, about nixing the pump if I ever have a guppy only tank. Curiouser and curiouser.

I'm not sure why, maybe it's the minerals in the water up here, but my guppy females all have lovely iridescent colours along their sides. It could just be part of their natural colours I guess but they're sure not plain janes. Which is real nice. I'm trying to get pictures of my crowntail guppy males...very different and neat looking. Guppies are always full of surprises. Snowy now has one and she'll maybe post hers first.

Ooops, almost forgot. My guppy females go BANANAS over cooked peas and frozen bloodworms. Just bonkers. It's worse than me at the candy store!

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