Guppy pregnant

I wish I could trade water with you and give you my hard water for your soft. It would save my having to lug all those 5 gallon jugs of RO water. One good thing for you it is easier and cheaper to harden your water than soften it:dunno:
I wish I could trade water with you and give you my hard water for your soft. It would save my having to lug all those 5 gallon jugs of RO water. One good thing for you it is easier and cheaper to harden your water than soften it:dunno:
I looked into water softener, a RO unit or something and it was like £95+
If you’re looking for harder water seachem replenish and alkaline buffer are the way to go. I found it more stable than rift lake salts when you’re only trying to get to 7.3ph and 12dgh.

In answer to your guppy pregnancy question they can give birth quickly and normally between 20-30 day cycles, and the fish will be fine to be kept together
If you’re looking for harder water seachem replenish and alkaline buffer are the way to go. I found it more stable than rift lake salts when you’re only trying to get to 7.3ph and 12dgh.

In answer to your guppy pregnancy question they can give birth quickly and normally between 20-30 day cycles, and the fish will be fine to be kept together
I agree with @Martyn87, I have two hard water tanks with guppies in them and they do not eat their own and I have plenty of guppy fry. In fact I had to move some to make room.

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