Guppy Fry!


THE Triop Man XD
May 31, 2009
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ok decided i would post fry atm are way to small to try and get a picture with :) but i do have them, they are about 4 days old now but i do have a few things i need to clear up,

the tank started with to preg females, and 9 fry which i got from my lfs

1 fry died, but the others all lived and are still alive and kicking....swimming now :) although i have about 4 deformed ones, either there tail gos right up, or an S shape, there a good 5 weeks old i reckon, i need to ask my lfs really, anyway

i have aload more fry now from one of my preg females :) ove 15 ive counted now! they all seem very happy, but i dont know what to do with them, im happy giving the first batch to my lfs as they gave me my females and that for free (yes i said FREE!) but still in the future how would i sell my fry to the lfs? would i be able to? this isnt a big thing as i just genrally enjoy watching them grow, but i have no where for them, so they will need new homes, and if i can get a few quid for them why not?

the other thing i should ask, is it bad to let my females and males mate all the time? or is this just normal for them? thanks!
I'm in a similar position or will be in the future!

I have female platys rather than guppies but they're slowly filling the tank at the moment.

The best thing you can do is ask at each LFS, guppies and other common livebearers are so easy to breed that the LFS aren't usually bothered about them, some will take them off you for free, some will give you a small token gesture or some store credit for food etc.

Most LFS like to take fish rather than fry.

I've not got as far as asking around ours yet but I do have a spare tank for raising fry to a more sellable size.

I'll offer them on here and other sites for around 50p each probably then try the LFS
ive never posted a fish, how on earth is it done lol i spoke to my lfs and hes happy to take them in once there around an inch in size, i never mentioned anything about wanting money for them,
Join your local fish club. There will be people there who are glad to get some fry at a good price and you will have the chance to get fish that you never even knew existed. My whole fish keeping world opened up after I joined my club. In most places it is a lot more than a bunch of people sitting around talking about fish. We do that too of course.
the only club i know of around my area is pets at home fish club....
I seriously doubt that a shop initiated club would be a very good place to get rare fish. My guess would be that they are more likely to sell stuff from the shop and be headed by someone who works for the shop. We have a shop that sponsors our club by giving members discounts and by giving us hardware to sell at our every 6 months fund raiser auctions. They act as our partners, not our founders, and gain customers from giving us good deals on equipment and common fish when we hold an auction. The club hands out advertising for the store in the form of discount coupons and the store donates to the club auctions. We have an independent club that has a relationship with a seller instead of being more or less governed by them. It is a fine line but one worth its weight in gold. We have no qualms about selling each other fish that the LFS never can get their hands on. They get some traffic in the store when we have a sale because they work with us to give our buyers those discount coupons. In the early part o the 20th century, the manufacturers in the US set up unions for their own workers so that the real unions would have a more difficult time gaining members. They were called "yellow dog unions" and really represented the interests of the manufacturers instead of the membership. The P@H fish club has a similar sound to it. It smells like a yellow dog union type club that is established to improve the profits of the shop, not represent the interests of the club members. Please check with the local fish keepers and try to find out what kind of club the P@H club is and what other options there are in your area. I do need to drive an hour to reach my "local" fish club but it is worth the trip to me.

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