hi LynziLouWho,
I know you put something in your tank to bring the levels down, I did read that post. It's not the same as cycling. Adding the chemicals may have effectively stopped the cycle, B). It's very important, especially with fry to have your tank cycled, so just keep up with the regular water changes and keep an eye on the ammonia and nitrites especially. I always have guppy fry!
he tank is doing great, my fry tank has no amonia in it and my big tank has hardly any at all, i think that the big tank is almost cycled. how much wuould you charge for fry and what kinds do you have?
Right now I have mostly guppy fry because the guppies don't seem to eat as many fry as the mollies and swordtails do. I wouldn't charge you anything...I give fry to the LFS all the time My females all have yellow and black tails and the males are multicolored, red, pink, yellow and most have the fantail or deltatail shape. I do have one male that is a scarftail. Most of the males have that 'snakeskin' coloration (color with black patterns).
Has your tank had the large nitrite spike yet? After the ammonia goes pretty high, you will see increasing levels of nitites and a fall off of the ammonia, then a drop in the nitrites will signal that the cycle is complete