Guppy Fry Uknown Father. Are They Hybrids?

And here is a video of the males. There are a couple of very young females with them that I need to move out to the female tank.

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And this is a video of the female tank. Adults are not eating the newborn fry anymore, so it's getting a bit overcrowded. My 90G tank is still empty and needs to be cycled :sick: All males from the first video will be moved to the 90G tank along with the pleco and corys from the female tank.
There must be some males in between the fry that I will need to catch, but they are 10 days and 4 days old so no hurry.

Turn off the volume!!!
I see nothing but guppies in your video. I am an endler breeder (pure endlers) and cannot see anything even resembling an endler in your pictures or videos. The lower tail sword-like extension can exist in any guppy at all. Endlers seldom exhibit a sword, just like guppies seldom exhibit a sword. If that is why you are thinking endler, forget it. You have some very pretty guppies that you might be able to improve by simply selecting which fish are allowed to breed.
I see nothing but guppies in your video. I am an endler breeder (pure endlers) and cannot see anything even resembling an endler in your pictures or videos. The lower tail sword-like extension can exist in any guppy at all. Endlers seldom exhibit a sword, just like guppies seldom exhibit a sword. If that is why you are thinking endler, forget it. You have some very pretty guppies that you might be able to improve by simply selecting which fish are allowed to breed.

No, I wasn't going by the sword. I haven't even actually seen an endler with a sword, and I've had guppies with a sword longer than that in the past.
Is there any reason why they are not growing then, although the rest of the male guppy fry are? I know it is not visible in the picture or video sizewise, but it is very obvious when I look at them. I don't care what they are that much and the males won't be mixed with my females, but just curious.
I've been in that pet shop several times since, and I saw more endler looking ones in the guppy tank, but these were blond, with a few red marks on their body, something like these from the very first picture below:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=953&bih=612&wrapid=tlif132574909298711&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=ZlMFT-qPF8jitQaf4KyBDw
My pure wild type endler who had a sword. His great grandchildren are in my tanks today but none could match his sword.

That's a beauty!!

Mine I agree are far from endler looking, but it seems they will stay an endler size, whether because they are stunted, or they are hybrids, I don't know. But they are really beatiful. Can't wait to start cycling the other tank and give them a bit of space.
The blonde guppy males are still looking like dwarfs compared to the younger growing guppy males.
There are a few good looking ones, but one particularly is a stunner and may get to see a female. Here are a few pictures:





That's a picture of his mom, father is diseased



And a few group pictures:

On this picture you can see 2 of my bent spine males that are still alive, but obviously far from good looking :lol: . One of the supposedly hybrid ones is the red one on the first picture.



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