Guppy Fry Question


New Member
Jul 12, 2004
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I have a question. My 8 wk old fry seem to be doing ok, but some of them have this weird pink thing coming from their butts, like their intestine or something -_- From it, it looks like normal poo. What is this? Is in normal? Have I been feeding them way too much? I've had this problem before, but I don't know what is is exactly. :unsure:
If it eventually falls, its probably poo and the colouring could be from meaty food or even bright coloured flakes. If this hangs for a LONG period i would be worried. You could be feeding them too much if the poo seems very thick and hard for the fry to remove from themselves. Live bearers dont do good are very meaty diets since there's too much protein for them to digest. Try feeding the fry more of a veggie based food to help their digestive track clear food easier.
My Mollies have this too, you can see the thread in the Beginner Questions area of the forum that I satarted ^^ The color just represents what you are feeding them.

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