Guppy Being Weird!

I dont have an isolation tank nor do I have the money to get one :(:(:( he isnt bloated or anything like that but he is bent into an upsode down u shape when he's at the top of the tank but when he's hinding in the plants he's stright (except for a minute ago when I looked in the tank he was nose down besode a plant and idk how long he had been like that). I've never had a problem with my fish habe bent spines or anything like that. Is there way to do medication in the tank with the other fish? Also his gills are working double time (idk if thats important or not)
This is what he looks like now except for when he's not near the top he's completely sideways

and now he's laying on his side on the gavel :'(
II don't think he's going to make it. Sorry.
Check all fish for when they go to the toilet.
Have you ever wormed your livebearers for camallanous worms?
No, I didn't know fish could get worms randomly. I just don't understand how something could have happened in my tank because I got my yellow one and Albert (the fish in the middle in my recent picture) at the same time and that was a in December. They were completely fine when I got them and I hadn't introduced any new plants in that time (or at least I'm fairly certain I hadn't). That's the second fish in that same week to go out in that exact same way (though I'm hoping Shimmery can pull through but it is just not looking all to good for him :( )
These are the symptoms for camallanous worms.
Fish will look extremely thin, or bloated.
Fish will sometimes have a sunken in belly.
Red inflamed anus, or enlarged anus.
Long stringy white waste, clear waste, red waste.
Worms sticking out of the anus.
Sometimes fish will swim on there sides.
Bent spine sometimes.
Fish spitting food out.
Bacterial infections.
Not all symptoms have to be present.

I never had much luck with guppys either and stopped buying them.
I would avoid buying them from LFS. Find a good breeder of guppys.
Here some info on camallanous worms. But you don't always have to see worms
sticking out of there anus.


When the fish is stationary, deep red worms can be seen protruding from the anal pore. They are only visible when the fish is still because the worms retreat into the intestine at the fish�s slightest movement. Other signs may include an inflamed and enlarged anus. In severe infestations, the fish may become emaciated and spinal curvature may also occur.


The parasitic worms Camallanus Cotti and Camallanus lacustris. These small, livebearing parasitic worms attach to the intestinal walls and rectum with pinchers. The worm�s grip is so tight that any attempts to remove it forcibly will rip away tissue from the intestinal wall. The worm�s pinching causes ischemia (reduced blood flow) to that part of the intestine. In time, the tissue to that part of the intestine will die, at which time the worm will migrate to another part of the intestine. This causes perforations throughout the intestine, which allows other pathogens to gain entry. If the fish is not treated, either the parasite or bacterial will kill the fish. Camallanus infestations occur most often in livebearing fish such as Guppies and Mollies, though infection is possible in all fish. Camallanus infestations are contagious. All fish, including those not yet showing visible symptoms, as well as the aquarium, should be treated.


Treat with Internal Parasite Guard, Pipzine, Disco-Worm, Trichlorfon or Fluke-Tabs as well as a medicated food to prevent a bacterial infection.
Okay. I'll see if I can find one of those treatments tomorrow. I haven't seen any worms but like you said that doesn't necessarily rule them out. But if I'm not 100% sure it's that should I go ahead and treat for it? And if it is that would treatment do the trick for my other fish or should I clean my tank? Also if it is these little worm devils I don't understand how they got in my tank because they can't just poof into existence and I feel like LFS would have more of a responsibility to their than to let someone take home a potentially infected fish (their quarantine tanks make me feel like they give a crap).
Surprisingly still alive. Once he "woke up" he went roght back on his side :/
I was going to say try a bacterial medication but you don't have any isolation tank.
It's try and save him with an antibiotic which means wiping the good bacteria out in your filter.
So really it's your choice to choose. 
I wish the news was more comforting. That's why is so important to have a hospital tank.

There another option of buying a internal bacterial medicated food.
He's not on his side anymore! That's a good sign right? He's hanging around the bottom of the tank but he isn't on his side!
(I hope I didn't jinx him!)
Guppygirl, Try keeping an eye on their feces. If its stringy or white start giving them internal parasite medication. Medication should o on for few days to kill the infection completely.
Are you able to get hold of some medicated food?
I took him to petco bc they said they coukd help but they couldn't. They had no idea what was wrong or any suggestions to help him. My water permaters (?) Were all fine. So they kept him to watch. I ended up giving up on guppies. I gave mine back and got a betta
Thanks for the update.
Good Luck with the betta.

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