Gunna Try And Get Some Cheap Rock From A Closing Down Shop!


Oct 6, 2008
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Cornwall, UK
Ive been to a fish shop thats in the back of a local market 3-4 times since setting up my tank, and noticed that each time he had no marine stock, apart from some LR.. So I went and asked the bloke if he was getting any more stock in, and he said he was shutting his marine section down coz he cant afford it anymore due to lack of sales!

So I think im gunna pop along there today, and hope he still has that rock sat there, and offer him a reduced price to take it off his hands so that he can shut down fully.. atm hes got the whole marine section running, JUST for this bit of LR, and ust be costing him a fortune!

I'm not sure how it will go, the guy seems to be a bit of a dick lol.. he charges 12.99/kg for LR usually, and then charges an extra £10 for each polyp etc that is growning on the rock!! But we'll see! Fingrs crossed
Wow he does sound an idiot! Personally I wouldn't pay for 'extras' on the LR, its not like he put it there from stock of his own!

Hope it goes well with him but don't let him con you haha! Is there no one near you closing down so you can get it at £5 per KG?
Nah, there was a couple of people on the clasifieds in the next town about a month before I started!! But all their stuff was gone.

As I suspected, the guy was a complete dick, and wouldn't reduce the price at all!! He's still got the same amount of rock sat there that he had at the start of the year lol.. he's obviously gunna end up throwing it away! He even wants to charge an extra tener for each aptaisia!!!!! Idiot.

But, all is not bad, I was a lil bit naughty, and there will be a rather exciting update in my journal in a few moments :D

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