Guess What

For sure, hiding spots are great for diffusing tension in a tank, fish feel safe if they can break the line of sight.
The size was as slight fear I had in which case has anyone a suggestion with what I could replace the angel with. ideally to keep the amazon theme with a middle to top swimming fish that would be happy with this or has any had experience in keeping a hareem of rams
...a hareem of rams
This is actually what I was going to suggest. Now, my suggestion isn't from personal experience but just from what I've seen in other people's tanks but I'm sure there is someone who could elaborate. Personally I love the idea of a harem of fish and it's what I do with my marine fish. It makes for a very nice display.
Im thinking I take this option and maybe add some more tetra I would be in a better position with happier fish
I have a fluval u3 filter so am over filtered

I thought I'll just mentioned this. U3 is rated 600L/H, considering that the media inside the filter drops that rate to almost half, it's in reallity no where near 600L/H so you are not overfiltered but rather ok-ish and you can go higher than that by my own preferences, especially for a tank with no real plants to help additionally. With the fluval filters, make sure the outlet disturbs the surface well because a little bit too low and your fish will suffocate. Not that it's not powerful enough, but it blows the water in one line and it depending on the position and how deep you put it, it may not be good enough when the fish are in, oxygen wise. They are good filters though and will keep the water crystal clear.
The angel fish is a bit too big for a tank this size, the adults can grow quite tall for a 20 inch tall tank I think.
Its disturbing the surface pretty well now. The plan is to replace the silk plants with real as I get more used to the tank and what I end up choosing fish wiae

Wise even
Rams need pristine water quality and are best added when the tank is at least 6 months old and more stable

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