Guess What Iiii'm Doing...

I got a little sidetracked last night and as a result didn't introduce the female until today, but they have now met through the glass and the male is busily working on a bubblenest... things are looking good!!
It was so funny, at first the male didn't seem too interested in building and was just doing the "come to my bubblenest of luuuuurve" wiggle dance under the empty styrofoam cup :lol:. I stole some of Gilarion's nest to tempt the CT into building, and he looked sooo confused when he returned to the cup from flaring at the female and found a nest under it! The plan worked though, so things are going "swimmingly". The female seems interested, but not too aggressive, so hopefully the male's fins won't be destroyed. I really need to get around to naming these two!

With flash:


Without flash, their true colours. Gotta love those webbing sacks!! :hey:


"Hey baby, how do ya like my nest??" (or lack thereof)
Looks like Mr. CT isn't going to be a very good daddy. He wouldn't maintain his nest, so I added the nests of some of my other boys just so he'd have something to spawn under. I caught them wrapping for about 5 minutes yesterday, during which time the female only released eggs once.

The male didn't pick them up. :|
Instead, the female ate most of them before I had to the time to save 3 with a pipette. One of those three has already fungused, so I put a little antifungal stuff in with the other two. That has the potential to either save them or kill them, who knows which. The female is still full of eggs, but I think I'm going to separate them for a few days and try spawning my redloss marbles while I re-condition them. I'm afraid the male might be too old to get this right, but I'm gonna try a couple more times before I give up completely :X
The female, on the other hand, did a great job of leading HIM to the nest and trying to get him to wrap with her.
Aww, sucks to have a deadbeat dad :( Your first guy was sooo good, too, wasn't he? *toasts to the memory of Ipos* Maybe his second try will kick the paternal instincts into gear?

For what it's worth, the thought of the female doing most of the work is just hysterical. I can hear the housewifely sigh, see little pectorals planted on her hips . . . "HAROLD, I am WAITING . . . ."

Ah, dear, I needs me a life :rolleyes:
Give him a copy of Playboy. :D

Sorry, Synirr. He's pretty. Hope you can jump start him somehow. It's a great visual combo. If he isn't a good daddy, is it good to continue the line? Won't it make your future attempts frustrating and less satisfactory?
Won't it make your future attempts frustrating and less satisfactory?
Probably, but considering the fish it would produce, who gives a hooey? :whistle: :lol:
The female was doing everything right, so hopefully at least a few of the offspring would inherit her instincts. It may not even be genetic, it may just be that the male is old.

Anyway, I had a thought. If he doesn't start parenting well the next try, I may do another spawn at the same time and pipette the eggs away from the CT and deposit them with the other male. It's a long shot, but if the other male would accept them as his own eggs they'd have a considerably better chance than if they had no care at all. Seems like a pretty good plan to me :shifty:
After all, the male had the wrapping part of it down, just not the egg care part.
Won't it make your future attempts frustrating and less satisfactory?
Probably, but considering the fish it would produce, who gives a hooey? :whistle: :lol:
The female was doing everything right, so hopefully at least a few of the offspring would inherit her instincts. It may not even be genetic, it may just be that the male is old.

Anyway, I had a thought. If he doesn't start parenting well the next try, I may do another spawn at the same time and pipette the eggs away from the CT and deposit them with the other male. It's a long shot, but if the other male would accept them as his own eggs they'd have a considerably better chance than if they had no care at all. Seems like a pretty good plan to me :shifty:
After all, the male had the wrapping part of it down, just not the egg care part.

Where do you keep the fry when there grown up? In jars? wat size are they (gallons)?
Lol jollysue, if only he had learned how to read!! :no:

Arrowhead -- I've been keeping them in tupperware containers that are about 3/4th gallon. They come with lids, are cheap, and are stackable, w00t.
Dey look-a like-a dis:
Well damn! That’s no good, silly daddy. :/
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that this is all just learning for him and he’ll figure it out next time.

I was really hoping to possibly get some of those babies from you too. :shifty: I’m absolutely in love with the little crowntail coppers I have. And hey the more the merrier. :lol:
I really wish you were closer to me, I would say “Hey if you want to borrow my fish go for it!” I have both the female and male CT copper from Thailand… but I’d be scared to death to try and pack them up and send them. I wouldn’t have the slightest idea how to do so.

It’s a shame this isn’t about 2 years ago, I was living in Austin then, so wouldn’t have been too bad a drive. Heh

I really adore the idea of a copper CT plakat too! That just sounds so lovely!! I do wish you the best of luck! :D

Oh he'll get it right, he'll get it right if it kills me! :sly:
Seriously, I LOVE CTs with webbing sacks, so I'm gonna try everything I can to get offspring out of this guy, since it's not very often I come across a fish with webbing sacks in the specific colour I'm wanting to work with, haha. If he doesn't cut it, though, I guess I'll have to look into getting another copper CT. Surely I'll at least be able to go to surrogate dad route before it comes to that -_-
Who is your best daddy?

I'm sure one will step up.

By the way, do any just take care of eggs, because they are such avid bubble nest builders?
Good luck!!! That male is just absolutely gorgeous!! I'll deffinately take some babies if he decided to become a good daddy!!
Who is your best daddy?

I'm sure one will step up.

By the way, do any just take care of eggs, because they are such avid bubble nest builders?
I doubt they'd take care of the eggs without that instinct being triggered by spawning... I'm sure they'd just think of it as a yummy snack :p

How are the two eggs doing?
They fungused, unfortunately, but not surprisingly :(. Back to the drawingboard I guess.

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