hmm.. let me thinka bit..
It'll come to you I'm sure...hmm.. let me thinka bit..
Dang I wish it was that but no... Pay attention to the minus symbol...night can be the loveliest thing at times?
Mm... Not quite.night can be the love to see at times??
I'm so confused
Dang you really for the positive message on this one. Don't make me feel bad that I chose a sad one!night can't be the love without you at times
Ok well it's sad but not meannight can be the loveliest without you at times
No. Lose "loveliest without" and then adding something after... That's not itnight can be the loveliest without anyone at times
Ok were getting closer! But it's not that. You are getting very warm with what the meaning is kindanight can be the best time to be alone at times