Gsp Cloudy Eye


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
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please help.
got home from work today to find my GSP with a cloudy eye.

he is in a 200 litre tank with 3 scats, 1 mono, 1 shark cat, 2 tiger fish and 3 mollies.
moving them all to a 500 litre tank soon.

i have changed 40 litres of the water and dropped the sg from 1.012 to 1.010. i will test the water tomorrow when its settled after the water change.




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looks like Popeye.

this is caused mainly from one of the following Poor water quality, injury, poor nutrition, tumors, vitamin deficiently etc...hard to treat, best option is an antibacterial and cross your fingers.
sg 1.008 brought it down on thursday from 1.012.
did a 20 lts water change this morning, its now 1.011

sg 1.011
ph 8
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 50 mg/l
phosphate 5 mg/l

added a half dose of interpets anti bac med.

he is often flying about with the largest scat, so that is when he might of caught his eye. it is still only effecting one eye.
its not got worse but it hasnt got any better. he is still swimming around as normal. i havent fed him since friday.
what is the best source for the correct vitamins?
he is fed every other day on prawns, lance fish, blood worm, black worm, krill, brine shrimp, cockel or mussule
yes looks like an a 25-30% water change and use melafix one of my mollies had the same thing..I use a liquid melafix (Melafix is all natural) mix together with my bucket of new water and add about a quart every 15 minutes instead of dumping it in all at one time..Some people do not or believe in Melafix, I've always used it when i've had issues and never had a problem with it, I guess its a personal prefrence, many are looking for a "quick fix" as in a overnite solution, this product is all natural and takes time, just follow directions on the bottle..Good luck and let us know..
I think Melafix would help a lot. I had this with one of my GSPs about two weeks ago, along with a small white patch on her dorsal fin. I treated with both Melafix and Pimafix immediately and continued for a week and a couple of days and then stopped the Pimafix. I'm still treating with Melafix. Her cloudy eye went away in about 3 days, and the spot on her dorsal fin is getting smaller. These two meds are slow-acting in some ways, but then often you will see an astoundingly quick positive response to them - I personally think that all aquarium hobbyists should keep a big bottle on hand at all times.

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