Growth Log Of Hornbag

He was kept with silver dollars, convicts, blue acaras and a sev.
He got on fine with them but my plan was always to have him in a tank on his own and when the cons started to breed they stressed him out so thats why i moved him.
He was/is 8" when i moved him but everyone says they get really aggressive as they mature. He is only about 6 months old so maybe thats why i havent seen any aggression.

I have an oscar the same size as him(in another tank) and if they were ever to have a fight im 99% sure the flowerhorn could kill the oscar very easily. So just be cautious
I'm loving how tempted you are by a Flowerhorn!! :lol: And also loving the fact that you told me wharf had one in and half an hour later i was there asking how much :lol:

I really want one too... and Angelfish Guy... IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!
Nice FH!

Flowerhorns, or the original I'm currently keeping - 'Trimacs' are super-aggressive when mature....really, wouldnt suggest keeping them with any other cichlids, defo not an Oscar.
Iphone update :)
Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!! How deep is he now... Thats amazing!!

The difference is quite simply fantastic!!


How deep is he? He must me 6" at least?

Really great fish AFG, you've done a great job of bringing him up!
Wow, nice looking fish! I've had my fh since October. Every once in awhile I notice that she (I think) is getting bigger...wish I'd documented it like this. Very cool.

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