Growth Log Of Hornbag

LOL! about 6" in less than a month! :unsure:

Your maths is out my friend. 6" growth between March and July. 4 months.

Still very impressive. He's going to be a big FH.

LOL! Yes it is indeed! haha. I even counted them too and still typed it wrong! :blush:

My math is just as bad! Working out these ferts is killing me :rofl:.

I can't belive how much he's grown in that time though! Such a differnce from having little farty fish that hardly grow from having a small fish that you know is going to get big! Good stuff :good:
Flower horn looks to be female IMO.
Body shape looks very female.
If you van get a clear close up photo ove it's vent I can tell you for sure.

Here is an old pic of one of my females to compare:
He was in a 100g but ive recently moved him to a 60g by himself and he seems happier but i always have the 100g if he gets too big for the 60.
Online says minimum 55g but these can get quite big.

I think his colours should stay as they are now, grey base, pinkish around his neck and blue/green shimmering on his scales :)
what tank mates does hornbag have, if any?

im so tempted with a flowerhorn i saw recently but it would have to go in with my ornatums or Keith my oscar. Keith doesnt like other cichlids especially ones over about 4 inch for some reason so the ornatum tank would probably be the way to go but wouldnt want them to come to any harm obviously.

i know most flowerhorns are usually kept alone but was just wondering how yours gets on with tank mates...

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