

New Member
Jan 27, 2011
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Hello everyone,

My name is Dan from Canada, I'm new to the forum, but have been keeping fish for a few years now. I have a 30 gallon tank with 4 Dalmation mollies, 3 Neon Twin Barb Platys, 6 Serpae tetras, 1 common pleco and 1 Flower shrimp. This community tank has been going for about 3 months now. Previously I've also had African Cichlids.

Looking forward to continuing to learn more things and have a place I can seek some advice.

Hey there! welcome to one of the best forums on the web :D . I have a question for you: have your mollies bullied your other fish? are they the same size? :)
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Hey there! welcome to one of the best forums on the web :D . I have a question for you: have your mollies bullied your other fish? are they the same size? :)

Hi notg2009, no my mollies haven't bullied the other fish. The mollies are about 3/4 - 1 1/4" in size, with my other fish ranging from about 1/2 - 1" in size. I did have a bully problem after I added the first 3 Serpae tetras they were really aggressive towards the other fish. I briefly tried a couple guppies, but the Serpae's almost killed them within a couple hours, so I had to rescue them and switched them for 3 more Serpae's. Once I got 6 they settled down and keep to themselves more.

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