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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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New Member
Jul 29, 2004
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(sunny) Eureka, CA USA
Although I enjoyed aquarium fish when I was in High School, I have been away from it for these many years. A lot has changed since then. This forum seems a good place to exchange useful information. Now that I have retired early, I have the time and energy to provide good homes for finny friends. I started with some goldfish in a 30 gal aquarium I was given. The goldfish I started with was a lone survivor from my pond that had an eggret invasion. Although eggrets in the back yard were fun, my fish became feeders. The lone survivor is now six years old and has some tank mates.
I have started most recently with 2 bettas, each in their own 5 gal home. Those cramped cages I see them in are IMHO, just too cramped. Both my guys just float through their home and are beautiful. I have a dish hutch in one wall and plan on placing several aquariums on the shelves for Bettas. My wife has always wanted a wall of fish. I also have a 10 gal aquarium with some neons, male guppies, 2 cory catfish, and 2 african algea eaters. (The algea eaters may not have been such a good choice in light of what I have read lately. Live and learn. I will transfere them to their own aquarium shortly. They are such fun fish, aparently just not such good neighbors.) After the aquarium is well established, I think I will try some oto catfish for the algea. Well, bye bye for now.
:S :p
:whistle: My oldest goldfish, Gobee, is about six inches long. I hope to have Gobee around for some time yet. Gobee is white and orange marbled and despite some adverse conditions along the way, has been quite robust. I got Gobee as a feeder fish from my LPS. My advise to anyone who might use feeder fish to use to help establish a new aquarium is to plan on having the fish around. Some of Gobee's buddies were feeder fish I used to set up an aquarium. I have never had a feeder fish die on me after it's quarantine. (I have been fortunate I know.)

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