Green Tree Frogs


Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
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Went out tonight to see if the GTF were siting near the pond like they have been for a week, nope, can hear them but cant see them, anyway, Hubby has his torch and shone it into the pond itself, OMG it is absolutely teeming with wee little tadpoles, thousands of them lol
Sooo thinking we may see more GTF's around the place in the future....i'm a bit me some GTF's
I can see some photo opportunities coming up!!
Been a while
Awe beautiful I will always hold a special place in my heart for frogs, particularly green tree frogs with their happy smiley faces.
For your sake I hope the tadpoles are green tree frogs and not dreaded cane toads, in my pond at the moment I have Brown-striped frogs (Limnodynastes peroni) who spend the night making loud "drip drip" sounds or actually it comes out like "toc toc". They keep the racket up all night and I am sure must be driving the neighbors balmy.
One of my green tree frogs that frequents the back patio is living the high life with my husband catching it introduced geckos and hand feeding him (or more likely a her) but you have to be careful handing feeding it other wise it sees all hands and toes as potential food approaching and will try and eat your digits even if you don't have food for it.
Baccus said:
.......................For your sake I hope the tadpoles are green tree frogs and not dreaded cane toads,......................
I have never seen a cane toad here, only the green tree frogs. Considering i disturbed them one night in a compromising position, i am more than positive the taddies are all GTF's
I have some of the tadpoles inside so i can watch them change....then they will be put back out in the pond to go their own way
They might look cute but when you have more than a hundred in your pool singing all night it's no fun. Then we have tree crickets we must invest in some ear plugs.

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