Green Tiger Barbs - What Can They Live With?


Mostly New Member
May 13, 2014
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Hi everyone,
I just wanted to ask what green tiger barbs can live with? At first I wanted gouramis but after watching them fight and what people say about the gourami's fins being nipped I have decided to go with small fish but I can not find any small fish that will live with them. For additional info, I would prefer fish the same size as the green tiger babrs and would potentionally like to keep more barbs with them but a differnet species. Also my tank holds x5 green tiger barbs at the moment. Also here is my tanks levels :
Ph - 7.6
Temperature - 28 degrees
Nitrate - 5.0
Nitrite - 50
Ammonia - 0
Carbon hardness - 250
General hardeness - 500
Any suggestions would be great,
Many thanks
More tiger barbs? :)
First things first, you have to get your water sorted first. I reckon you have probably got nitrate and nitrite the wrong way round, but 5.0ppm nitrite is very very bad. You need to get salt into the water PDQ to negate the affects of the nitrite. 75mg of salt per litre of water. Just normal table salt is fine.
Thanks for the advice, but sorry just checked my databank and the most updated result is the same as the above however nitrate and nitrite is 0 - sorry.
Gave me a shock with the nitrite then :O anyways why not just get different species of barbs? Normal tiger barbs, gold barbs, black ruby barbs and gold laced tiger barbs, I have all of these barbs and they are great fish :)
fishyfish890 said:
Thanks for the advice, but sorry just checked my databank and the most updated result is the same as the above however nitrate and nitrite is 0 - sorry.
Nitrate is 0? I would have expected something around 50, in a cycled tank, tbh.
Can you give a history of the tank, please. I have deleted your other post, whilst this issue gets sorted, then you can continue asking about compatibility in this thread.

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