Green Terror Fry Mystery


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2004
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My gt's fry have totally dissapeared, atleast from my view. The odd thing is they were 4 days old which would make the scenario that the catfish got em at night not fit because they had been there 4 days already w/o catfish interference and with their parents protection. Could it be that they are/have been hiden somewhere in the tank and i cant find em? I duno but the same thing happened with my latest convict spawn on the 5th day they just dissapeared, however I did get frustrated and switched them into my nonbreeding tank so the fry could have been in there the whole time i guess but meh.
Fry are at their most vulnerable at night, even with the parents protecting them.

I wouldn't go by the fact that because they are alive for a few days that they will always be. My piranha will sometimes let other fish live for days weeks and even many months (when I would try to see about cohabitation with cichlids etc in the past) and one day I wake up to a tank of fish heads, they just go into a psycho killing craze all of a sudden for no known reason. The catfish might have just been more hungry than before or the opportunity presented itself.

Not saying the catfish ate them but it doesn't sound good for the fry if you can't see any in the tank.
What filtration do you have? I'm sure it's a sponge filter and you know what you're doing but wanted to ask is all.

I doubt very much all of them would get sucked up in the same night but trying to think of other possibilities.
fairly strong filtration but i dont think thats it as iv had many fish spawn in that aquarium, and never had any sucked up. Im thinking it was my sydontis or my rafiel cat that got em, they really mean at night.
Also the convicts who usually breed in that tank would move their fry into the holes in the bogwood or the limestone rock, Im thinking my gt's are gona have to learn to do that the hard way.
No doubt about it, your raphael would of got them. However is cunning enough, they may pop up, only to become lunch again. Generaly after they are wigglers they will dissapear, then emerge again. Happens to almost every batch. Cichlid fry do this a lot.

Not sure if your syndontis got 'em. What type is it?
The catfish prob did get em but sometimes for the first few batches cichlids mistake their own fry for lunch so the parents could of ate some too....

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