Green Algae

Just as I went to bed I had seen him eating it so must like it. I have took it back out today when I got up. Yeah sounds like your fish like it
fatelerror89 said:
Just as I went to bed I had seen him eating it so must like it. I have took it back out today when I got up. Yeah sounds like your fish like it
Not sure you need to worry about taking it out so quickly. Cucumber is something like 99% water so it shouldn't pollute your tank very much if at all even if it does rot away.
I leave mine in until all that's left is the rind. Usually takes 2-3 days and doesn't foul the water.
The girlfriend has put another bit in the tank so will leave it in there a bit longer this time.
I leave the veg longer too if needed but if they like something, it would be gone fast. You can give them raw cucumber, melon, mango or kiwi, or very well accepted.
Ooh, I'm glad he liked it!
I need to see if by bristlenose still likes cucumber, I'll put some in next time there's some in the fridge :)
Bit of a silly thing to say tbh, why would he have gone off it? :p
Joshwainwright said:
Bit of a silly thing to say tbh, why would he have gone off it?
Too much of a good thing?
Yeah true he would love it to much to go off it. I have just gave my fish bloodworm and i will see if the pleco likes it
Just fed all my fish some bloodworm. I think it's hilarious to watch the cory suck it up like spaghetti.

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