Gravel or not in a 1.5g tank?

That would have been a sight worth seeing I think :rofl: :rofl:

And yes, it was sad to pour Opal's nest down the drain :byebye: I did debate leaving it alone and just doing a 50% water change again but figured that fresh water was more important for him so changed it.
He and Rainbow do seem happy here - but when you look at where they came from you can understand why. The standard setup - 20 Bettas side by side in little jars. We'd gone to get one for my daughter and I was going to help her look after him and while we were looking at them Opal flared at me and just kept looking at me :wub: My daughter had picked him first then she saw Rainbow all flared up and picked him instead - I just couldn't walk away and leave him there knowing that he was watching me :)
I did mention to the store guy that one of the other Bettas had a hole in his side and he said he'd put some drops in his water :( So I stood there and waited, no one came so I yelled across the store (politely of course :) ) "Don't forget about this sick fish!) Someone arrived pretty quick then and took him away. I hope he's going to be okay. If I had more knowledge I would have taken him too, but I just don't know enough about bringing a sick Betta back to health - I hope I did the right thing in leaving him there :byebye:
You did the right thing by telling someone.
I always tell someone if I see any sort of sick fish.
We can't bring them all home or my goodness, we'd for sure each have about 50 by now :)
MOST stores will appreciate it if you tell them about sickies.
I always try to tell them what disease I think they have, too, so they know that I'm a somewhat educated betta owner, and that also seems like it helps them feel more responsibility to help them.

You can scoop the bubblenest into a cup and save it, then when you finish putting his water in his tank, dump the bubblenest back in his tank. :thumbs:

My oldest male betta just made his first bubblenest a few weeks ago and I've had him for about 6-7 months now. My other two boys made bubblenests the next day after bringing them home from the petstore. I guess it all depends on the betta. :nod:

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