Gourami!+angel!? In Same Tank Is It Possible! 29gal

It depends, but I've kept my Dwarf Gouramis with Angelfish in a 29g with no problems. One thing I would worry about is if you have multiples of angelfish. As they pair off and start breeding, you will encounter an increase in aggression.
I wouldn't personally...

Firstly, angels are better kept in pairs, so, for the reason stated by aiwenbettas, they do not make good tankmates for other territorial fish.

Secondly, the problem is even more pronounced in fish as prone to stress-related illness as dwarf gouramies.

Also, gouramies compete for space with gouramies as most species occupy the same layers.

Finally, 29 gallons really is only just large enough for any angelfish.

Still, it's possible - what species of gourami, what other fish and how many angels?
I have 3 gouramis 2 dwarf gouramis and 3 angels in the same tank just under 70g - they all live quite happily together, well have done for at least a year anyway.
I have an angel fish and a female dwarf gourami in a 2.5' 16 gallon tank :p .
Before anyone says anything, it's temporary, and they will be going in a 50gal within the next couple of months.
Plus the angelfish is only 3".

They do pick at each other over food, and the gourami seems to be more nippy, the angel has bitten the gourami on the face in retaliation once, and it left a mark (soon healed). But they do seem to follow each other around and aren't actually aggressive with each other.

In reality it depends heavily on the individual fish.

Weather or not the 29gal is suitable for angelfish in the first place depends on the dimensions of the tank though :good:.
I currently have a koi angelfish and a pair of opaline gouramis rooming together and they do just fine. The two gouramis kind of keep each other occupied so they almost never bother the angel.
I keep gouramis (several types) in with angels. Always have done,- and have never ever had any problems at all. They all swim nicely together. I have a 260litre tank.
is it possible for gouramis of any type to co-exist with angelfish?

Hey, I have a blue Gourami in my fish tank and for a while I wanted to add some angel fish too. A lot of friends and experts told me it is not good to place the two together. I also believe that a 29 gallon is too small for the both of them. If you had a 55 gallon then there would be more space and less territory issues...
I hope this helped :good: :good:

i kept a pearl gourami and 2 dwarfs with 4 angels in a 55
hope this helps!

wait, i justed noticed the previous posts
o man :blush:

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