Fish Aficionado
Yeah, crabs can be a pain (....waits for the jokes...). I do have a load in my system which haven't done any harm but id'ing the good guys is normally pretty difficult and most crabs are opportunistic feeders so while they may be content to eat algae most of the time if it starts running short or there is something easier they can it they will.
For most things in my tank though I tend to take the policy of "innocent until proven guilty" and only remove things if they are a known pest. Otherwise I leave them be until they do something wrong then they go to live in the sump This probably isn't the best advice though and many people will say why risk your livestock if you aren't sure.
For most things in my tank though I tend to take the policy of "innocent until proven guilty" and only remove things if they are a known pest. Otherwise I leave them be until they do something wrong then they go to live in the sump This probably isn't the best advice though and many people will say why risk your livestock if you aren't sure.