Got Some New Corys. Bronze With Red Sheen


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
I bougt some plecs off a member of this board and he had some corys he was giving away. I took tem for my sons tank but never been a keeper of corys apart from some in my first ever tank about 18 years ago

they are like a brone cory but with an ornagey red sheen to them. I'll post pics later

are they a variant of bronze cory or a different type?
Can you PM the member?

Post the pics. We want to see. :) Also an ID is hard without either more info or a pic. Pics work best.



Thanks, simonas, for the pics.

PlanetCatfish: C. Venezuelanus I don't see that one in the pic, but maybe the bronze looking ones?

PlanetCatfish: Peru Gold Stripe
Their common name is gold shoulder. This is the schultzei that the Blacks were developed from.

PlanetCatfish: CW023 Red Stripe

Look at these and see if yours are any of them

The two on the left are definitely this one

Simon, afterwards I found another four Corys, as well as four Otos. Not sure where they were hiding.
Yeah the pics were not very clear of the C. Venezuelanus. So I was not able to be sure.

But I can't find a Cory with the common name GoldFlash. It looks like one of the fish that are all classified with C and CO numbers. It could be the gold shoulder schultzei I suppose. But their stripe is not usually that red I don't think. They look more like like the Peru orang stripe from the pics PlanetCatfish: Peru Orange Srtipe
Yeah the pics were not very clear of the C. Venezuelanus. So I was not able to be sure.

But I can't find a Cory with the common name GoldFlash. It looks like one of the fish that are all classified with C and CO numbers. It could be the gold shoulder schultzei I suppose. But their stripe is not usually that red I don't think. They look more like like the Peru orang stripe from the pics PlanetCatfish: Peru Orange Srtipe

Here it has the common name Goldflash

In this one it does not

Pretty sure they are both schultzei
Thanks, simonas, for the pics.

PlanetCatfish: C. Venezuelanus I don't see that one in the pic, but maybe the bronze looking ones?

PlanetCatfish: Peru Gold Stripe
Their common name is gold shoulder. This is the schultzei that the Blacks were developed from.

PlanetCatfish: CW023 Red Stripe

Look at these and see if yours are any of them

The two on the left are definitely this one

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Simon, afterwards I found another four Corys, as well as four Otos. Not sure where they were hiding.

thats them but they have red dorsal fins

blimey where were they hiding? the hardest fish I think I've tried to catch lol
Yep Peru Orange Stripe CW010. I have the Peru green stripe/ CW009.

I still don't see the Gold flash name. I'm sorry I will spend some more time looking.

My Peru Green Stripe was sold as a Neon Green laser! LOL But whatever they are called they are a great fish. I have no idea what species they are. It is still in the air I imagine. I would imagine that they are variously placed tentatively in schultzei (which is not an recognized species) and C. aeneus.

The whole taxonomy thing appears to me to be in a shambles.

C. Venezuelanus red dorsal here

OK, the schultzi Gold Stripe here
comes up with the search common name GoldFlash Corydoras here

To me the schultzei body and dorsal look different than the CW009 and 010. Any bodyelse?

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