Got new allergy test done…. Results 😭😭😭😭

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Have you ever been put on antibiotics?
If yes, they might have contributed to this.
If yes, a bacterial transplant might help boost your immune system and reduce your allergies.

Mammal Meat Allergy (MMA) is caused by ticks. They inject something into you when they bite you, and it makes you intolerant or allergic to red meat like beef & sheep. People with MMA can usually eat bird meat and fish.

The intolerance to grains is usually a FODMAP issue and is normally caused by antibiotics.

Dairy intolerance is also normally caused by antibiotics. You kill the good bacteria with the antibiotics and become unable to digest sugars or proteins in grains or dairy products. You might be able to digest sheep, goat or camel milk.
I’ve been on antibiotics. Quite a few times. Beef is the only mammal meat I’m allergic to, I can have all others.

My mom is allergic to sugar, almost every grain, dairy etc etc etc and she almost died in 2018, they were pumping her full of antibiotics she was allergic to for days (antibiotics don’t mix the measles but they didn’t care) it’s caused a ton of problems
I have stomach issues. Pretty sure it's picky 🤣. Like if I have CERTAIN dairy products my stomach gets cranky... It has a weird attitude on things
Is it your stomach or intestine that reacts to milk?

If you drink a glass of milk on an empty stomach, do you get sharp stomach pain straight away?
If yes, you are producing too much stomach acid and it is reacting to the milk, which is alkaline. This is normally caused by stress.

If you can drink a glass of milk and feel fine for a few hours, then start farting and get the runs, you have a dairy intolerance. Avoiding cow's milk will usually fix this. Goat, sheep and camel milk is usually easier to digest. If you want to drink cow's milk, you can add things like Lactade to the milk and that breaks down lactose in cow's milk and make it easier to digest.

Antibiotics are the biggest cause of food intolerances.
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I could be for her own good :)
Chocolate is actual bad for you.
Dark chocolate in small amounts is fine and contains anti-oxidants.

Milk chocolate (the brown stuff) and white chocolate (the white stuff) are bad for you and don't have any or many anti-oxidants. They also have a much higher sugar content, which isn't good for you.
Is it your stomach or intestine that reacts to milk?

If you dink a glass of milk on an empty stomach, do you get sharp stomach pain straight away?
If yes, you are producing too much stomach acid and it is reacting to the milk, which is alkaline. This is normally caused by stress.

If you can drink a glass of milk and feel fine for a few hours, then start farting and get the runs, you have a dairy intolerance. Avoiding cow's milk will usually fix this. Goat, sheep and camel milk is usually easier to digest. If you want to drink cow's milk, you can add things like Lactade to the milk and that breaks down lactose in cow's milk and make it easier to digest.

Antibiotics are the biggest cause of food intolerances.
If I drink water even, anything entering my stomach immediately causes pain so severe I’m often wiped out for hours. I hardly eat, due to gastroparesis so I can’t really answer that.

I’ve been told my stomach doesn’t produce enough acid, and yet my entire esophagus is scar tissue from acid burns… so I have no idea

Goat and sheeps milk also showed an allergy, sheep was only mild though. The only thing that bothers me is not having ice cream (lol) but it’s not just the lactose it’s the casein, casein more than lactose by far.

There’s no gas or bowel problems. It’s just what the blood test showed that I was intolerant
Dark chocolate in small amounts is fine and contains anti-oxidants.

Milk chocolate (the brown stuff) and white chocolate (the white stuff) are bad for you and don't have any or many anti-oxidants. They also have a much higher sugar content, which isn't good for you.
Except when it’s me and dark chocolate will kill me even faster than milk chocolate;)
If I drink water even, anything entering my stomach immediately causes pain so severe I’m often wiped out for hours. I hardly eat, due to gastroparesis so I can’t really answer that.

I’ve been told my stomach doesn’t produce enough acid, and yet my entire esophagus is scar tissue from acid burns… so I have no idea
That usually happens when you are laying down (when you go to bed). The sphincter at the top of the stomach doesn't close properly and stomach acid runs out of the stomach and along the esophagus and eats away the tissue.

Sleeping on a slight angle helps stop the acids coming out of the stomach. However, you need a funny adjustable bed for that and it's bad for your back if you sleep on your side. You can put a couple of blocks about 1-2 inches thick under the legs that support the head end of the bed. That raises up the bed enough to stop the acids flowing out of the stomach and along the esophagus. But it feels really weird sleeping on a bed that is lower at one end.
That usually happens when you are laying down (when you go to bed). The sphincter at the top of the stomach doesn't close properly and stomach acid runs out of the stomach and along the esophagus and eats away the tissue.

Sleeping on a slight angle helps stop the acids coming out of the stomach. However, you need a funny adjustable bed for that and it's bad for your back if you sleep on your side. You can put a couple of blocks about 1-2 inches thick under the legs that support the head end of the bed. That raises up the bed enough to stop the acids flowing out of the stomach and along the esophagus. But it feels really weird sleeping on a bed that is lower at one end.
I actually sleep on a hospital bed that adjusts, have to keep my head raised to minimize my POTS symptoms in the mornings, I’ve slept almost sitting up for ages, used to be with pillows, now with my bed
Chocolate is actual bad for you
Stop it. Just stop it. Otherwise I'll have to report you for terrorism 🧐


Juice you poor thing, at least you know what to avoid now... what does a typical day of meals look like?
Stop it. Just stop it. Otherwise I'll have to report you for terrorism 🧐


Juice you poor thing, at least you know what to avoid now... what does a typical day of meals look like?
Breakfast- nothing
Lunch- nothing
Dinner- usually a small amount of chicken with some sort of carb. Supposed to avoid most fiberous things so not many vegetables
Breakfast- nothing
Lunch- nothing
Dinner- usually a small amount of chicken with some sort of carb. Supposed to avoid most fiberous things so not many vegetables
Jeez girl, how are you alive? Like I mean that...
I'm trying to day that in the kindest way possible...
Is there ANYTHING else you can eat. Even if you can put it into a smoothie.
Are you absolutely positive on some of the things you are allergic to? I mean it sounds like you literally can't eat.
Jeez girl, how are you alive? Like I mean that...
I'm trying to day that in the kindest way possible...
Is there ANYTHING else you can eat. Even if you can put it into a smoothie.
Are you absolutely positive on some of the things you are allergic to? I mean it sounds like you literally can't eat.
I can eat other stuff last night I had chicken, refried beans and quinoa. The night before I had small amount of ground beef and refried beans. I had a steak and fries the night before (was like the only think in the restaurant that was free from all the more severe allergies)
Smoothies are good, it makes the fiborous stuff easier to digest, liquid diets are better for gp anyway. I used to have a lot of milkshakes and smoothies with dairy, not so much anymore. Chicken for me is the best meat for protein because it’s less fatty which I’m also supposed to avoid
Sounds really tough my lovely 🙁 you're very brave Juice, going through all you go through on a daily basis....makes me ashamed of my own diet and lifestyle 😭
Well I mean before the results came back I was having ice cream on a daily basis 😂 so don’t feel bad

Most reactions
