I suffered from stomach ulcers since I was a kid. I got them from my gran on mum's side of the family. Gran had stomach ulcers too and everyone said it was stress. That's what they thought caused it back in the day.I may look into that bacteria! That would suck if I had it but I guess it's an easy fix, right?
I got the nickname Wois (woe is me) because I used to complain of feeling sick all the time. 30 years later and doctors finally diagnosed me with stomach, duodenum, intestinal and bowel ulcers. Everyone else in the family has the bacteria but it only affected my gran and myself.
Many years later they found out stomach ulcers were caused by a heli-coil shaped bacteria and named it Helicobacter pylori. Some years after that I ended up on antibiotics for another reason and it treated the ulcer bacteria too. I have been free of them ever since. It took about 5 years before my stomach settled down because of the damage done by the bacteria over the years. But I don't feel sick all the time and can eat and drink and not feel like I am being cut open.