Got Bn Eggs!

I get loads of albinos from my normal bns they had around 60 albino fry along with about 150 normal ones in their last batch
Wow that's cool didn't realise that was possible, will have to wait and see.

Ahh nice one mate, I havent experienced any breeding yet, so jealous XD....

Btw will you be selling these :shifty:

Thanks, I'm sure your time will come! I think BNs are the kind of fish that will just breed when they are ready, they can't really be forced. These two were quite quick to breed I guess, I only got the female in the post 1 and a half months ago, I did want to breed BNs and that's why I got her as I already had a male but I just left them to it.

Yes I will be selling these if all goes well :p

Congrats Geo

Those look like cute little wrigglers . Bet you're well chuffed.

Look forward to other pics of them and their parents

Thanks Carmen, yes I am well chuffed lol, I've seen so many pictures of BN fry on this forum but when it happens to you and you look in the cave and they are all huddled together wriggling around you can't quite believe it actually happened to you :blink:

:eek: Oh yes I will have to get pics of mum and dad, hopefully post some later ;)

Fry seem fine this morning, just the same as yesterday. When I seperated them from dad I thought they would all rush out of the cave, however none of them have left yet and they are still all huddled together, will they know to come out to look for food once the yolk sac has run out? It must be soon now, they aren't swimming blobs they now look more like mini plecs and their bellys aren't very orange any more.
Cool pictures. I wish I could get mine to stay still long enough to take a picture. LOL Mine's a species only tank, so the fishies have no reason to fear anything. LOL

Congrats on the spawn
as promised, pics of the parents :D

Nothing like a bit of courgette to get two plecs in the same shot:

female left male right obviously

A clearer pic of the male:

They used to squabble a lot but since the spawn they seem to be more civil to each other, however the male still can't bring himself to share 'his' courgette for any length of time so it looks like they'll still be needing seperate chunks :rolleyes:
Aaaw :wub: , mommy and daddy are so pretty. Very cute pics. They look like a lovely couple.

Great pics, as always.

Aaaw :wub: , mommy and daddy are so pretty. Very cute pics. They look like a lovely couple.

Great pics, as always.


Thanks Carmen,

yes they are a great couple, even though the females aren't supposed to show any interest in the eggs, she was usually on top of the cave watching what was going on, but just like old married couples they can't stand each other sometimes :lol:
how are the fry doing today!?

They're fine, still waiting for them to leave the cave!!! I'll be posting more pics once they're out in the open.

edit: do you like my new banner that I made from the pic of the male and female :hey:
Today I have seen one or two wriggling around on the glass, but most are still in the cave, I've put a little bit of courgette in there to see if it tempts them out overnight.

I'm pretty sure I have some albinos now, some are obviously albino coloured whilst others are really dark.

Pics soon...
Oooh, exciting. Can't wait for pics Geo. Bet they are SOOOO cute.

Great pic for your sig too :good:

Fry are very hard to take pictures of!!! The fact that I don't have a macro lens for my camera doesn't help, and I had to attempt to manual focus on things I could barely see through the viewfinder as the camera couldn't pick them up either.

Anyway, here are the feeble attempts, they look like cute little mini plecs now with their proper little fins. They are very quick :blink: they dash all over the place, it's quite strange.

here's a cropped pic, which is why it's so pixely



and here's another one to show how lightly coloured some of them are compared to the others:


Don't think they've eaten anything (apart from the tons of algae) yet, probably because raw courgette is too hard, might try blanching it instead, is there anything else that bn fry like??
congrats on your spawn geo
expect another one soon in the next 2 weeks when the fry leave the cave normaly they want to breed again
ive just had my first spawning of piebald b/ns
they will eat raw cougette you will just have to give them time to find it
:wub: Aaaaw, they are too gorgeous. Great pics.

What are their parents up to :hey: ? Could be a proud grandpa soon again.

Haha, yeah, I expect I will be sick of the little things after a couple of spawns!

The parents aren't up to much, just relaxing after their hard work :lol:
I'm slightly concerned that the fry aren't eating anything, should they have eaten anything by now? I took out the courgette as it had already been in there for 24hours+ and put in some blanched lettuce earlier this afternoon, and even though I've seen some fry go near it they don't touch it. They don't look skinny or anything but I would have though they qould show some interest in food.

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