Got A Problem Pl Help


Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2012
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I am cycling my 27 litre tank and its gt oil on it today but i think i droped som liguid from my api test kit in it also my cycle has been on for about 3 weeks so do i do a waterchamge or do i leave it till my cycle is done
did you say you have dropped some liquid from the test kit into the tank?? sorry its early for me :lol:
no you cant just leave it 3 weeks then assume its done.what have you been cycling with? what are your water test results? :) :)
did you say you have dropped some liquid from the test kit into the tank?? sorry its early for me :lol:
no you cant just leave it 3 weeks then assume its done.what have you been cycling with? what are your water test results? :) :)
I didnt say it was done its 3 weeks in
i would imagine you would have to start all over again.clean everything.the liquid is deadly.just my thoughts.
I wouldn't worry about it if you are doing a fishless cycle. I mean you could do a water change if you really wanted to but if you don't have any fish in the tank I can't see it hurting anything.
The test kit r deady u no to fish even make ppl ill

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Haha do u think itl be ok till my cycle is done

THe chemicals in the test kits are nasty, that's why there's all those orange symbols in the small print. My worry would be that the chemicals might kill off your bacteria.

I would suggest continue monitoring your levels daily, if the results indicate that your bacteria colonies are still growing, then leave it. If you suddenly find that the ammonia is not being processed, then 100% water change, good clean out, and start again.

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