Got A Nice Rock The Other Day


Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
We went to one of our lfs the other day and saw this rock which we purchased for $45 US dollars. Got a great deal for everything living on it...2 different types of xenia, 2 richordia, what we think is a kenya tree, some sort of button poylp and what looks to be a couple star polyps on the back part of the rock.


Wow, nice frag find... A veritable cornucopia of corals :good: :D
Excellantt buy

well done

Over hear Rics are around 30.00 ea ($45.00) :shout: :shout:
Thanks guys. We have 2 specialty LFS stores around here with typical prices, but one guy who has a small pet store with a small section for saltwater in the back. He seems pretty knowledgable about it and has really excellent prices. We got our elegant coral from him for only $50! He gets some pretty cool fish in also. Right now he has 2 Moorish Idols. Too bad they are coral chompers! :grr:
Right now he has 2 Moorish Idols. Too bad they are coral chompers! :grr:

& Extremely difficult to keep alive & happy in almost any Home Aquarium for over 1 year :sad:
That button polyp looks like a Majano Anemone. Zap it before it moves. :good: Nice find though! Very good quality and a great price!
That button polyp looks like a Majano Anemone. Zap it before it moves. :good: Nice find though! Very good quality and a great price!

I took some more pics of it just now and ill post them up later today so we can try to get a positive ID on it. We allready need to pick up some Joes Juice beacuse of a couple if this is the dreaded majano, then its going down!!
Here is a pic of what we believe to be the button poloyp and you guys to be the anemone.

What'd ya think now?

Good to hear! :D The dam things move all the time too. Majanos have a really fast movment, and they serisouly move to a whole new location overnight sometimes! :fun:

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