Got A Job At My Lfs!

awesome, im 12 and work at my lfs!
what do you do there

how the heck did you get a job
My dad is mates with the owner so he gave me a job and instead of being paid i was given 2 free 10g tanks and a load of equipment etc... plus i get dibs on stock etc... And I have to catch fish, marine and trop and coldwater, you know, the usual stuff.
awesome, im 12 and work at my lfs!
what do you do there

how the heck did you get a job
My dad is mates with the owner so he gave me a job and instead of being paid i was given 2 free 10g tanks and a load of equipment etc... plus i get dibs on stock etc... And I have to catch fish, marine and trop and coldwater, you know, the usual stuff.
awesome mate
cheers, helps to be mates with the lfs :shifty:
Thats not a bad deal tropic john!

The Catfsh in the back are the most amazing, coming up to 4ft and so beautiful they put there heads out the waterand stroke you with their feelers haha beautiful creatures,

THey are interested in me for my betta knowlage lol they are interested in breeding and don't have someone with experience of keeping bettas at all as they have ponds or cichlid tanks at home although the girl does have a few communitys.

I havn't been keeping fish long but i read ALOT and love to learn and be kept buisey and have 4 tanks (other half finds this hilariouse but he wouldn't leave one shop untill i bought him a betta once :shifty: i've been tempting him with oscars as i eventually want one lol.

The good thing about this place is they do actually understand fish and everyone who works there is a hobbyist and cares about the fish they sell rather than just wanting money.

Really friendly place (and they stock gars :blink: )

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