Got A Job At My Lfs!


Fish Herder
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
West yorkshire
I went in to get 2 bettas today and they asked me straight out if i wanted a job npt only that they asked me to take one of their bettas that was on deaths door as they just wanted him in a good home (he's got no fins left) so he is swimming in his own 6 gal as is my new tiny weensy girl (in her own 12litre).

So i start my new job at calder valley aquatics with a tester day on tuesday at 1 o clock.

Means i can get dibs on any stock i might like ;)
Nice! I wanted a job at our Petsmart , but apparently they start hiring at the age of 18. Means I have 2 years to go! ARGHHH. Congratulations on the job!!!!
haha well this place actually takes care of there fish and in the back they have a fully grown pacu and some mamoth catfish at least 4 ft long!!! I stroked one of the catfish, she is beautiful but because of the size of the fish they just can't sell them as they are very specialist care and need an absoloutly enormouse tank

The pacu scared me half to death it was flippin huge!!!
Congrats m8, good luck on tuesday :D , i wouldnt mind a job at my lfs but im only 15 so a few months yet
Congrats but this thread is making me feel old (im 24,it seems everyone else is 15-16). Im thinking of taking a second job in oxfordshire when i move there in the LFS down there...Because the shifts on my main job are 5 12 hour shifts on then 5 days off so thinking of working 2 or 3 of them at an LFS or something else i would enjoy
I have 2 jobs now

Youth work support staff

Working in my LFS

aint too bad considering i was about to go bankrupt from buying tanks. :crazy: :blink:
Congrats but this thread is making me feel old (im 24,it seems everyone else is 15-16). Im thinking of taking a second job in oxfordshire when i move there in the LFS down there...Because the shifts on my main job are 5 12 hour shifts on then 5 days off so thinking of working 2 or 3 of them at an LFS or something else i would enjoy

Er, to some of us 24 is young.

Congratulations to the OP on the job though - I hope you learn lots from it which at your age will prove valuable.
haha well this place actually takes care of there fish and in the back they have a fully grown pacu and some mamoth catfish at least 4 ft long!!! I stroked one of the catfish, she is beautiful but because of the size of the fish they just can't sell them as they are very specialist care and need an absoloutly enormouse tank

The pacu scared me half to death it was flippin huge!!!

haha anyone intereste in an adult pacu???

yay congratulations!!

lol we have 2 pacus at work theyre flipping scary, they thrash about and chase each other! nobody can have them though like you said...same for the piranhas lol

you're going to have fun, I nearly got hit in the face by a little koi today [it seems to be a recurring theme recently!] so watch out!

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