Got A Free Fish From Petsmart


I am Nemo!!
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
i was petsmart today and was browsing around and found an odd fish with th guppies. they gave it to me for free since they couldnt id it and they sold nothing that looked similar.

so for the description: its small(about 1.5-2 inches) and translucent(see through) with a zig zag stripe running from the eyes to the tail. at the begging of the tail(where it joins the body) there is a red stripe. its thin bodied, kinda skitish and fast moving. oh and its a midlevel swimmer with all fins rounded.

any ideas what it can possibly be. i know ive never seen anything like it. from what i can tell its not a cichlid or livebearer, or catfish/bottom feeder.
Redtail rasbora?


Cherry barb?


White cloud mountain minnow?


What would really help is if you mentioned what colour the "zig zag" line is ;)
thanks. its none of those but it does look similar to the red tail rasbora except with out the yellowish tint and and the tail is round like a guppy tail. also the other fins are more rounder. oh and the zig zag stripe is black and ive now realized it goes from the tip of the nose to the beggining of the tail.
looks like it except the body is see through(not as much as a glass fish) everywhere except the stomach area and the black strip is much bolder and then the red mark where the tail joins the body.
not it either. the tail is whole and round like a guppy tail......not sissor like as with a lot of barbs and tetras. its also slimmer, not the deep belly of a barb.
Okay, here's my guess. A cardinal brachy, Brachyrhaphis roseni?


If it has a rounded tail and small like the guppies, I would think it too must be a livebearer.
wendywc thats what mine looks like except not as dark and doesnt have a gonopodium(SP) which if that is what i have it would be female but it doesnt have those black spots like a female livebeaer. trance2006 thanks for the suggestion but ive already looked there and couldnt find anything that looked similar.

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