Got A Free Fish From Petsmart

wendywc thats what mine looks like except not as dark and doesnt have a gonopodium(SP) which if that is what i have it would be female but it doesnt have those black spots like a female livebeaer. trance2006 thanks for the suggestion but ive already looked there and couldnt find anything that looked similar.

Okay, does it look like this female then? If not this, I give up. But you might want to search for lesser common livebearers.

Male Endlers livebearer?


Other than that possibly a tetra, but i know none with a zig-zag stripe...

Aren't endlers -- guppies?
There's debate. They haven't been given a scientific name yet, and I assume they will not be given one until it can be decided whether or not they are a true species all their own or simply a guppy subspecies :)
I think Endlers are closely related to guppies, and I have been told by some people (although whether it is true or not i don't know), that guppies were bred from endlers like the one in the previous post and like this one which is comonly known as the "wild" guppy (Poecilia reticulata)


That's one nice thing about Petsmart. They'll give you free livebearer fry, or sell or give you oddballs mixed in with other fish cheap.

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