Good Schooling Fish For Nw Cichlids


New Member
Feb 14, 2009
Reaction score
Tas, Australia
After a schooling fish that wond get munched (or at least munched to often) to go in a 105gallon NW cichlid tank, I did have gold barbs but the have started to dissapear :angry: quite fast of late.

stocked cichlids - JD, salvini, oscar (in future), texas and festivums

PS anything against a Ghost knife and oscar in same said tank (knife is around 8" atm) or is it alot depending on the fish's personality/violentness

rough dimensions are (curved front) 5'w*2'h*1.5'd. dont like silver dollar will have a good look at tinfoils (after I finish checking the oscar thread LOL)

Giant danios, quick and large enough not to be eaten, cept maybe an Oscar, if it could catch them, which is unlikely.
Hmm, I must admit giant danios sound/look best so far, silver dollars look better (IMO) than tinfoils after giving them a good look. I figure tiger barbs are probably a little small to cope with an adult oscar (yum yum)

Some fish will kill dithers even if they can't eat them. I know of a salvini that just bit off the heads of giant danios but didn't eat them.

I'd also be concerned at the stocking levels, an oscar, texas, JD, salvini and festivums might be pushing 105 gallons, there might also be compatability problems, eg. texas being too aggressive for festivums. Is the tank 18" wide at the end or in the middle?

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