Cichlids Sold As Tropical Fish!

I have successfully kept, rainbow cichlids, keyholes, bolivian rams and curviceps in community tropical tanks, I also have a large severum and 3 spot  demon in my larger tropical tank now with boasmani rainbows, yoyo  loaches, bristlenose and neon tetras, i have always tried to buy females as this will help limit aggression
I have had problems when i have tried to keep pairs. I was sold 2 Juvenile Jewel cichlids once and the male battered everything so badly that i had to return him the next day before it killed everything. Fish keeping is trial and error however you can limit your problems by going to the shop picking your fish, going home and doing your research and go back the next day
I have kept both JD  and convicts, My JD was a nightmare and wanted a 6ft 550lt  tank to himself despite being the smallest Cichlid in the tank.  I had 2 female convicts and they were pretty chilled but a mating pair would be a  different story even a breeding pair of curviceps or keyholes can cause havoc in a community tank. 
IMO If you want to keep cichlids successfully, do your research and set up the tank based around your chosen fish. ultimately they are by far the most enjoyable fish  to keep but things can go wrong if the set up and tank mates are misjudged,  Good luck

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